Thursday, October 28, 2010

T minus .... who knows?

What a terrible turn of events... I'm still in shock and don't even know how to proceed.

We found out last night that our USDA loan has not been approved simply because the USDA would rather sit on it and refuses to commit to Monday as our closing date but not only that, they have refused to commit to any date at this point so there is not closing in site.

This is a HUGE problem on many levels. We already gave our 30 day notice to break our lease with our apartment complex. Which means, even if we have no house to move into we have to be out by the 10th. Also, the $1500 buy out fee has to be paid by the 10th. Our builders were going to cover that cost upon closing. If we don't close they won't pay and it's Ryan's and mine signature on the contract that says we are responsible for paying that buy out.

We also already cancelled things like electricity and Internet over here and have set up dates for them to start/install on Monday or Tuesday. We already got our change of address in at the post office, we've booked movers, called the factory to have our fridge delivered etc. There were a lot of things we had on our list to get done before closing and we did it all. I took about 20 boxes up our (SEVERAL)apartment stairs and into a storage building. We are using paper plates and cups etc because I packed up the kitchen thinking we could get by for the next 3 days.

This is such a mess I don't know where to begin. I think right now I'm just learning to pray and try to take things one step at a time but life feels like someone pushed the pause button. I don't know how to move forward from here.

Anyway, this is just an update... prayers are GREATLY appreciated!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All About Bree

Wow! This is amazing! I made a list yesterday and only had a limited amount of time to get it all done and not only did I get most of it done but I also managed to give Bree a bath and put her in an outfit! LOL (It was three bucks!)

She likes to try to each the fuzzy on the end of it.

These pics got all out of order, her dress is a little orange pull-over with sparkly bats and spiders on it and a little black boa attached to the end. =)

This picture is for size reference and I've been meaning to send it to Mama A for a while! LOL

This just cracked me up so I thought I'd add it to the bunch. Bree has figured out how to get on our coffee table and likes to lay on it because it is marble and stays cool. She should be content with the tile in our new house.

Last one in her Halloween dress

Time to make a list for Tuesday!

We still have plenty to do but are really looking forward to the upcoming week! Can't wait to see family and be in our new home.
Today I need to get more packing and decluttering done but between work and an appointment my time today is a bit limited.
That's ok, I'll get started!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Wow! I'm gonna make this a quick blog because I have SO much to do!
We are T-8 days!!!

I suddenly have even more respect for my mom and sisters who have moved not only their stuff but their husbands stuff as well! Getting everything organized in the midst of a move is hard work!
I've still got house work and everyday life to tend to not to mention packing and sorting and getting rid of stuff or changing our address with the post office and other important people, setting up electric, Internet, canceling the ones we have out here in Austin, making sure our fridge comes when we move, booking movers!
Wow! Breathing time....

OK, I've gotten a lot of the calling, canceling, and setting up done, but our poor apartment is in complete dissaray! (Bree helps with that quite a lot, I'm looking forward to being able to exile her to our giant back yard!)

I have 2 and a half hours before I have to be at work to get all the laundry done, dinner prepped, kitchen wiped down, bedroom and bathroom cleaned, and some organizational stuff as well. I CAN DO IT! (I hope)


I have a phone interview this week with a family looking for a nanny after Christmas! I like this idea because I would plan on leaving my current job to get settled into our house and REALLY work on a good cleaning schedule before starting a new, higher paying, calmer job only 5 miles away!

I think that's it for now! Happy Monday!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blockbuster... BUSTER

Oh my goodness what just happened?!

We recieved a sweet little Halloween card from gran and a little treat money. So we decided it was going to be movie night!
We went up to Blockbuster and began our search. We are often looking for a good laugh so there we were on the Comedy isle, Ryan standing next to me while I sat in a squat looking at the movies lower down. Ryan was exclaiming about Ghost Busters and how that should be our movie of choice.

And then it happened. The loudest longest real life flatulence I have ever heard. Ryan and I met each other's shocked looks and I lokked forward to see a large pleated pant covored buttocks just on the other side of the movie wall... That's right... I was gassed!

I don't know what the heck that guy was thinking! He must have been brave! He knew we were there, we weren't being quiet! I still can't believe this actually happened! It's like something from a movie!

Ryan burst out laughing and I quickly walked away not really sure what to do! I was disgusted! I was irritated! BUT... I couldn't not laugh!

What an experience!

Monday, October 18, 2010

More House!

So, As you can see; our landscaping is in!!!!

LOVE these pretty autumn flowers!

We have a LOT of side yard....

And a HUGE back yard! Hubby and Bree were both thrilled to see how big it actually is! I'm excited too! It's a lot of yard!

AND THE CARPET IS HERE!!!! Everything looks so beautiful! It's like it just set in for Ryan and I! We got so excited when we saw it! It's pretty much done!
PRE walk-thru this Wednesday with Mom and Dad and Thursday is our first walk through. A week from Thursday is our second walk through and when they want to close! But they can't close without some paperwork and our final OK on the house so we are planning to push it back to the 1st. =)

We are SO excited! It still doesn't feel real! WE ARE GONNA LIVE HERE!? =0 =)

Allie Allen

What a weekend!

We enjoyed a long get-a-way to Houston this weekend and one of my great goals was to get some great pictures of 4 week old Allie! Now I ran into a snag with my photo retouching because my free trial expired and I'm still waiting on my code to keep using the software so these are pretty much untouched:

We also went to the Renessaunce Festival this weekend which was super fun and great entertainment! Haha! I snagged a few pics of some costumes with my camera but my blog only lets my post 5 pictures per post. (Dumb!) We also really enjoyed ourselves just hanging out with Jimmy & Melissa and Jon & Em! It was a great weekend!

And today we went and saw the house! Seperate post to follow since I'm at my picture quota for now!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Little Ones

This week I have been at a different school every day.
I started out the week as usual. On Monday I went to my school and worked with my group of kids. My group has about 25 kids in it and our whole school averages about 54 I believe. Tuesday I went to a school who had 109 kids in the YMCA program and every single kid I talked to lied to me, most talked back with horrible attitudes, some of them literally pulled on me whining about one thing or another, and my overall experience was less than delightful. On Wednesday I drove 30 minutes out to north Round Rock and worked at the largest school YMCA has in there program. There were over 200 kids enrolled and that was complete madness. The kids don't listen and they are purposefully rude and disobedient because they know there's really not much we can do! SO frustrating! And Yesterday I drove another 30 minutes out to Round Rock to work at the school I worked at last year and found all the staff I worked with were gone and most of the kids I worked with weren't there either.
There were probably 75 kids at this school and a lot of yelling from the counselors. The youngers were mean and several came to me crying about who hit them, threw rocks, scratched etc... it was crazy! BUT two pleasant things happened this week.
One, at the largest school. When we took the kids outside I watched a little boy hurling a basketball at a hoop. I watched for a while before offering to help him with his form. (I only know this because my husband taught me.) I repositioned his hands on the ball, one behind and slightly under it, and the other on the side to guide it. I showed him a few times and let him at it. He got SO excited when he realized he was much more accurate this way! That was a rewarding moment.
The second was yesterday. I was on the playground with the little kids and I sat on a bench for a moment and the cutest little fuzzy haired, plump bodied little boy came and just put himself in my lap.
"Well, hi!" I said laughing a little bit at his forwardness.
"hi" he said in a little voice holding my hand. "What's your name?"
"Miss Tiffany" I told him. "what's yours?"
"You are very friendly aren't you Diego?"
"Why are you so friendly?"
"I like friendly people. Are you wearing lipstick?"
I laughed and answered "No not right now."
"It kinda looks like you are." He looked into my face and asked "Can I see your eyes?"
I placed my sunglasses on my head and smiled at him. He gave me a little happy gasp and reported "You have dark green eyes. I like them." I smiled at him. What a precious boy! He wanted to hold my hand the rest of the time I was there.
This week has reminded me that times aren't what they used to be. Respect in children has diminished almost completely. Obedience, kindness, etc. These are rarities. It makes me sad... and weary. But I know OUR kids will have respect, obedience, kindness and sweetness and the truth of the gospel taught to them. They will be sweet kids!

Speaking of sweet children, I'm so pumped for my second shot with Allie next weekend. I have several ideas I want to do and I may just have to do some prop shopping!
I have this one idea I really want to do but couldn't find an example of it online. Allie has a cute little watermelon hat and I'd love to have JUST the hat on her with her laying in a watermelon bowl. How cute would that be!?

Also she has some tutus now so I want to do some shots like these:

I also love the baby in the basket idea. Like this:

It's also the same concept I want to do with the watermelon! =)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

I have only been up for an hour or two but I woke up with a sore throat and am not feeling very well so at the start of the day I find myself battling a very grumpy attitude. My husband greeted me sweetly in a pleasant tone and my response was some sort of grunt. LOL. The puppy sis some business in the apartment and then as I tried to get my menu and grocery list together she decided to attack the boxes we have collected for packing. Now there are little bits of box all over the place. Our apartment officially went into packing stage yesterday which is exciting for sure! But how do you keep a tiny apartment organized while in the midst of packing? It just isn't working very well. LOL
We have our walk through's for the house scheduled. Both on Thursdays and the first one is two weeks from today. The 21st and the final one the 28th so it looks like we'll close on the 1st of November like we wanted. I don't have any more pictures yet because all of the changes are really happening on the inside which we don't get to see until Saturdays because the workers are there during the week and I don't want to bother them.
So, today I am trying to focus on the good things and a righteous attitude and the excitement I had on Monday for living an exciting life for Christ. I have to be honest though, at this very moment, it's a lot harder than on Monday. LOL

This week I have been filling in at different schools for people who are sick or in training and yesterday I was at a site that had over 200 kids in it's YMCA program! Insanity! But one thing I started doing this week is, while I'm driving connect my ipod to the stereo and have my music on. I recently found the scraps and scratch recordings of an album I didn't finish shortly after high school.
I listened to all of the songs and was transported back to the sad state that I was in when I wrote the songs. And thinking back on it now, it's sort of revelatory (Is that a word?) I was very honest in those writings, something that, at the time was quite opposite of my typical behavior. I was even honest with myself. Most of the songs had a way of telling the simple truth; I need God. I miss working with music. If I had the right connections and all that I needed to really produce an album I would use those old songs and compile an honest album called "Confessions of a Prodigal" I'm not proud of where I was but these songs remind me that at some point, I did understand what was wrong, what was missing. Even when I was pursuing MY dreams MY way and living MY life the way I wanted... I couldn't live with ME in command. Left to myself I will ruin everything.
And even if a person isn't quite as far in as I was, isn't that the truth for all of us? We have a savior because WE CAN'T SAVE OURSELVES!
We have a God who loves us and looks out for us because living our lives on our own is dangerous and produces very little.
One of these songs was just a revisit from a time before all my mess, where I just felt dry spiritually. Maybe because of the church or the people we were around but through that came a song called Oasis which is just about Christ being the water that sustains us in the dessert.
I still feel that way sometimes. Distant from God, wandering a dessert because my discipline is lacking... again.

I often wonder why God gives us certain passions. Why have I always wanted to sing? Even to a fault where I made it top priority above more important things... but where did that desire come from originally? God? Why? What's that for?
Why do I love to tell stories, create adventure, write novels? What does God want me to do with that? And why do I just love capturing life on film? I've always been a visual thinker, with images in my head, and now I find that "images" are a big part of my life and my next career move. What's God's plan for that?
And why couldn't I have just one thing that I really love? Why three? And what do I do with them? LOL Sometimes I wish God would give me a map for life! =)

Anyway, I'm off to the store.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Musings

"And the God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet." Romans 16:20

As our small group wrapped up it's study of Romans this week we all spent some time really meditating on this verse, discussing it's meaning and more importantly describing what it would look like to live in full belief and faith of this verse. What does it look like to live as though God WILL SOON crush Satan underneath our feet?
I mean, when you think about it, Satan is responsible for a lot of evil in the world. Persecution, spiritual warfare, death, fear, anxiety, etc. He can aid or even plant several of these things in our lives, crippling us. Taking our eyes off of Christ and the cross and onto ourselves and our perfect comfort or lack thereof.

Living as though you would stake your life on the truth in this verse was only ONE of the SEVERAL things that has challenged myself and my husband lately, to live our lives differently! The discussion of this verse in our small group lead both of us back to a study we did in our old small group before we were even courting. It was called GET UNCOMFORTABLE! And the passion and the fire to change the world as best as I can is slowly making it's way back into my blood, to pulse through my veins!

Our pastor has been preaching about how many Christians do live and then how all Christians SHOULD live! One sermon was about ladders and the bulletin actually had a put-together-yourself paper ladder for visual aid. We discussed the deceived legalistic theology that several church goers have about where they are on the ladder, and how "Well, I'm better than that guy, but I'm no mother Teressa" And that's it!!! No that shouldn't be it! So we all laid our ladders on their sides and were reminded throughout the week to stop comparing and doing things in life because we want to climb a ladder. That's not what it's about!

Then there was the segway sermon! Pastor Matt told a story about how he rented a segway and went as crazy as possible with the thing at the risk of his own health, but was remembered more than any other customer and ended up bringing in several more customers!
We as Christians should live our lives in such a way that we are remembered! In such a way that people want to know what's at our core.
We should live daring lives! Exciting, and uncomfortable lives!

The there was THIS week's sermon about Abraham and his covenant with God about his land and children. Pastor Matt used that example to preach the gospel. We are in a one sided contract. God came to closing and signed everything while we slept in! God put a deep sleep on Abraham while he did the traditional "Cutting a covenant" on his own so that only he would be bound to his promises to Abraham, and that's our life! Christ died for us! So that we could live with GRACE! NOT so that sin could abound but so that we can live for Christ through HIS power and not our own!
When Abraham struggled with his faith in God's promises God brought him outside and told him to look at the stars.
To really help us understand how powerful this was all the lights in the church dimmed and the screens were vibrant with the milky way and it was beautifully astonishing! Many of us who have known of God's great works begin to become accustom to the things of God and therefor lose appreciation and awe.
LOOK AT THE STARS PEOPLE! (Like could play says)
Look at all the crazy things in this world that were created by a God we can't even comprehend! A God so far beyond anything human, but a God who loves us so much he belittled himself to our level and DIED a horrible death to save us, and CONTINUES TO SAVE US with His grace and Mercy!
Our God is beyond incredible. 4 years ago today, without the help of a great church or perfect Christian home (Is there such a thing?) he pulled my wonderful husband out of a life of misery. 4 years ago today our great God brought my husband to Himself and began a great journey with him. And for the past 4 years God has given my incredible husband the strength and focus to stay sober and dedicated to Christ.

Not quite as long ago Christ save me from myself. From selfishness that led to great destruction and turmoil, deceived realities and false ideas of who God really was. Christ saved me from myself physically, and spiritually and tuned me around completely and began me on a new journey.
It's crazy to think that in a great environment growing up I still managed to have a misunderstanding of Christianity and a RELATIONSHIP with Christ because I was too much a part of the picture. Like Paul (I think) says I must become less so that Christ may become more.

THIS is our God and just a tiny glimpse of His power and glory and kindness. What are WE doing for Him? What are we doing for His kingdom? How are we showing Gratitude for our lives? Our salvation, provision, companionship, our comfort?

I saw a movie at my parents house of this speaker clinging to a balance beam talking about living a save predictable Christian life away from the dark and scary world. At the end of it all when he's "before the judge" he lets go and throws his arms in the air as if he dismounted at the end of a perfect routine.
"Can you imagine?" he asked "If the Olympics were like this? everyone so afraid of falling, getting hurt, or messing up that this is all we see?"
I'm with him! Who wants to watch that? It's not memorable it's boring!

Our Sunday School class touched on our talents and God given gifts and personalities and using them to the fullest without arrogance, false humility, or doubt.

And what about legacy? What will our obituary say? What will we leave behind us? How many lives will we touch and be a part of?

This is just a few of things we have been presented with in the past few weeks but obviously God is telling us something!
At this point we are doing a lot of seeking about how God wants us to get uncomfortable and how we should live more daringly. We know for sure our new home when it's finished will be a place to share God's love and provision with other people... constantly.
There is a mission trip to Mexico this Thanksgiving with our church and unfortunately we have plans with family that week but they did another trip at spring break last year and if they go again in March we plan to be a part of the team.

So we are praying and discovering more and more as each day passes and thinking about what our days consist of and how we can be more purposeful and daring. What can we do? what can I do? On just a regular day?
Well, this mundane Monday is about to find out!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

No Carpet?

So! We went to the house today and the carpet truck parked literally in our back yard was apparently NOT to carpet our house. Hmmm... it'll get done though!

What we DID get though is painted walls, baseboards, closet hardware, and our lovely six pannel doors! We also got.... OUR CABINETS! They are GORGEOUS! And they started some tile! It's the backsplash in our guest bathroom in the shower. =)
Here are the latest pictures!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So! I drove by the house today and from what I could see from my car, the walls are complete! Not just sheetrock! Totally done, AND there was a carpet truck there! I believe they were putting the carpet in place!!! Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FACEBOOK (An Explination)

OK so this is for those of you who probably just got a friend request from me and either accepted it and then I dissappeared or tried to accept it and I was gone... let me explain. One of the BIGGEST reasons I left FB originally was because people were finding me that well, I didn't want to have anything to do with.
So I thought I'd make a new account that was for my photography... thus all the friend requests... but minutes after having a FB account again I just didn't feel right about it and I got a creepy feeling. SO! I appologise for the weirdness. You know what they say "Go with your gut!" and that's what I'm gonna do! I'll stick with blogging for now. Again sorry for the weird inconvenience. :P LOL

Photography News!

Well, I officially own the domain:
I've purchased web hosting too and am working with my chosen web designer to get my website and logo up and running live! I'm SO excited! My hope is to be able to rotate out my part time job at the YMCA to really go after photography! But I won't do that until I'm consistantly making about the same amount of money as i am at the Y with my photography.
My other hope is that SOON word about MY photography will spread like wild fire and business will take off!
If you have people you want to hand out my cards to (when they get here!) I would LOVE to give some to you! I'd like to work here in the Austin area as well as in Houston.
I'm expecting the website to go live about the 6th or 7th of October. =)
So spread the word! Tiffany Anders is takin the photography world by storm! =) Woo Hoo!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Ok so it was obviously raining when I took these pictures so you can't see very well but the masonry is finished and all the dry wall is up inside the house and this last picture is circling and pointing to our address tile on the garage. You can't really see it but it's beautiful!

Ryan and I walked through it again on Saturday. Our date night has become date morning. We get up, grab Bree, grab a Starbucks and a Rudy's breakfast taco and take it out to the house and have a little family breakfast date exploring the new features of our house every week! =) I love out Saturday morning dates! =)

We had some paperwork to drop off to Bob (The sales man we've been working with.) And I always ask about closing because I wanted it to be the first week of November instead of the day after Thanksgiving like our paperwork originally said. But our latest conversation revealed that the foreman believes we'll be ready to close October 20th!!! And sure this SOUNDS like a GREAT thing and the idea of getting into the house earlier is nice too BUT here's the thing. If close even the last day in October our first payment will be in December (Which hello! is Christmas time!) BUT if we close even just on November 1st we don't make our first payment until January... so hmm... move in about a week early and only get one month before first payment.... OR wait a week and get TWO months before our first payment?
Needless to say we w ill do everything in our power to close on the 1st of November!
The next few months are going to be CRAZY!!! =)

AND... Did anyone else go outside this morning between 6-8am? It was actually CHILLY!!! Woo Hoo! Come on fall weather!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I'm goin' pro!!! After a networking opportunity arose in Houston for a photography gig Ryan said I needed business cards because a little comment and simple transaction could have left a couple with all of my needed information for their engagement pictures.
I explained to him that at this point cards wouldn't be practical because I don't have a REAL website. SO... we decided that as an INVESTMENT we are going to get a website and business cards and really hammer in on these photography gigs!
I now introduce to you....

I also e-mailed a web designer that a friend of mine knows. We will hopefully be working over the next few weeks to create: (It doesn't exist yet so don't click it!) I'm hoping we can match it pretty closely to the card and have a theme going! I have so many ideas I'm so excited. My blog will be a part of my official site, (But it will only be photography related so I may keep this one for random thoughts.)

SO... I need all of my (silent) readers to spread the word! Anyone looking for a photographer? Refer them to me! I'm STILL building up my new portfolio and prices right now are CHEAP!

And of course, there will be a BIG blog post when the website goes public!

So, I may be just an Austin photographer or an Austin AND Houston photographer! So even if you're in Houston; Spread the word! I'll come down! =)

So exciting!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Baby Allie! (Finally)

Still having trouble getting them to load so these are the only ones that will load right now.

Fast Building!!!

So just a little update! I went to the YMCA for a morning work out and on my way home I just cruised by the new house to see what progress they might have made and snapped this picture!

Now granted this was taken from the car because I didn't want to bother the workers AND it is cloudy so in case it isn't clear, the brick work is half way done all around the house!!! Plus from what I could see through the garage, front door, and windows, it looks like all the sheetrock is up!!!
Woo Hoo!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Catching Up!

So it's been a while since my last post and there are some highlights that need to be documented!

It's going to take me a longer time than I expected to even really understand PhotoShop. That's right, I ended up getting it after all!

And we went down to Houston this weekend to meet our new baby neice, Allie; and as far as our newborn session went... Allie did NOT enjoy herself. We decided to wait a few weeks and let her adjust to being alive outside the womb before we try to strip her down and take her pictures again. LOL But I have tried to post some of the few we got of her not screaming and apparently they are too large of files or something because they won't load onto blogger! Ugh! I'll have to figure that out later.

I got my stitches out from my mole biopsy and there were NO precancerous cells! And since I was in the area I went by the house! They have sheet rock waiting to be put up and bricks waiting to be laid! Here are the most recent pics!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Today I decided to track my Staples order that was supposed to bring me PhotoShop that I have been SO excited about... and found that the whole order was CANCELLED!
Yep... no PhotoShop, no camera battery charger, no antivirus software.
Why? Because the rewards we used are apparently non transferrable! Ugh!
My mother in law so sweetly offered to purchase everything FOR me but it all has to be under her name to use the rewars but the PhotoShop student version has to be under my friend's name so she can present a student ID and get me the validation code! What a let down! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was about this program and how long I've wanted it and the plans I already had for it. I hate it when you feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you landing you right on your fanny. =(

So, I'm going to have to get more creative with my photo retouching.

My first mark package did arrive. And I have set up a party and I can't wait! My other mark. order will be here this week so i can model some of the products at the party! I just love girly social events! This gave me a great excuse to get together with a bunch of wonderful women! I hope everyone can make it! =)

In other news...

We got a new staff member at work because we went over ratio which means I won't always have to close.
AND it made it easier for me to get off this Friday so Ryan and i can head down to Houston to meet our 'almost-here' baby neice!

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Beginnings/Goals

This past week has revealed a lot to me. A lot of my weaknesses and failings. And to be honest I got down on myself and moped a bit, but then I decided it was time to set new goals, and begin new beginnings, FRESH.
It's the perfect time of year for it too! Beginning of Fall (maybe related to school) always feels like a new start to me.

One of my biggest goals relates to every aspect of my life. I want to be more disciplined, focused, productive, etc.

As that relates to my spiritual life I feel I am far from where I'd like to be because I lack discipline in steady time in my word.
Ryan's reading a book right now called "A Praying Life" and he read an exert to me last night about how, without even realizing we sometimes come to God with a mask on. As if God doesn't see us for who we really are. It becomes so much a part of our life to make things seem a little better than they are that we do it with God too.
This has really helped me examine my spiritual life. And I am a wreck. I am lazy, unorganized, and unstructured and yet I desire all of those qualities.

I am a simple person when it comes to intelect. I prefer to read fiction over anything else, and most of the Bible is difficult for me to chew so it is a huge temptation for me to simply not read it. But then I think "Man, how did I drift so far away from God?" Hmm... well how do you expect to get closer to someone without getting to know them better on a regular basis.
So, my short term goals for reading my Bible is to start with Psalms and Proverbs. A Proverb in the morning, and several Psalms before bed. These chapters are easier for me to swallow and I need a good starting place.

I've also discovored that it's harder to love people as blindly as I did as a child. Ryan and I discussed how Jesus came for the sick and the sinners and ate with tax collectors and prostitutes.
I can be very judgemental of people. Especially people who subject their children to their sin. But I'm not God. I'm not here to judge, I'm supposed to be sharing the love of Jesus with these people; and not despite their sins but especially because of them. This is a hard one that I'm praying about and working on.

I find I am lacking discipline in house hold chores too... partially because I'm not as used to keeping up with a larger space like this and I miss things. I'm VERY good at keeping things picked up and looking good on the surface...(This is sounding like an unintentional metaphore.) But I just don't think about the deeper cleaning stuff naturally... YET. So, I'm going back to basics and making lists! I've also decided to stop watching TV and movies while Ryan is gone. It keeps me on track.

Another place that I have accidentally "let myself go" is my health/fitness. I used to be a lot more aware of the things I eat and should stay away from for the most part. But Ryan doesn't need to be careful about anything that he eats. It doesn't 'stick' to him like it does me. And finding meals we will both like and that I can feel real good about is HARD... and after a while I think I gave up.
We started going to the gym together too but in the midst of our house buying and other life distractions we stopped.
We don't own a scale right now but because of my biopsy I found out that I have gained 20 pounds in the last 6 and a half months! 20 pounds! That's just uncalled for.
So! I am taking advantage of my new YMCA membership and am planning a work out regemine and this week's goal is to go to a one hour fitness class every week day. So 5 hours of working out this week. Eventually I want to add Saturdays and work up from there. I'm trying to keep my focus more on working out and less on food but still be aware of what I'm putting in my body and try to keep it to more REAL/unprocessed food.
LesMills is a cool program offering several classes at the Y. The one I did this morning and plan to do more than the others is called BodyPump. It's a weight lifting class geared towards burning fat and toning muscles NOT gaining muscle or "bulking up". It's geared towards women and it was in a study at the university of Aukland that proved it was the fastest way to burn fat in a fitness class ever recorded. I do Body Pump every other work out day, and then a step class or combat or pilates class on the other days so I'm getting weight training, cardio, and core training! I'm excited. I got through the first Body Pump this morning and it's intense but it's really rewarding to finish it and it'll be a class I can do for a long time because as it gets easier I can just add a bit more weight untill I'm at my goal and just want to maintain. =)

So, I have a lot of new goals and they all have to do with discipline and focus and I'm hoping to really be able to keep motivation, stay focused and see changes through the power of Christ. (Cause let's face it, I couldn't do any of this on my own.)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Waiting for Mail (Not so Patiently)

So... I'm STILL waiting for Photoshop to get here... and I'm waiting for my 'mark.' rep stuff to get here so I can host a totally awesome kick off party! =) And NOW I'm waiting for the order I purchased for myself! (Thanks Hubby!)
Wanna see what I got? There are some sales going on right now! Check it out!

This "Little Black Dress" is gorgeous and perfect for upcoming holiday parties and events or a great date dress and it's in the "Last Chance" section of our mark. store at only $17!

This GREAT little compact has the perfect colors for my shades and is on sale for 3 bucks right now!

This adorable plaid jacket is not on sale but I just LOVE fall fashion and this is just too cute to pass up. It's $35

Now these other two products I just ran out of and figured I should by my products version of them; eyeliner and mascara. I chose a dark brown in both to go with a more natural look for my eyecolor but the mascara also comes in black and the eyeliner has tons of colors to choose from! They also have liquid eyeliner but I always get it in my eyes! LOL

So I'm hoping to have my starter kit and products soon so I'll have great demonstrations and we can have a great party! I also have awesome coupon codes that I can add to orders for great discounts like FREE shipping and $10 off any order of $30 or more! (And we can combine some orders!) =)
So be looking for a mark. party invite in the upcoming weeks!

AND also look for photo updates wants PhotoShop FINALLY gets here! LOL =)

I survived my nast biopsy! LOL
We'll get the results on Wednesday but it's unlikely that it's anything serious.
I'm just glad it's over with and you can be SURE I will be MUCH more careful about sun exposure! (Mark has skin and hair products now too!)


Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 posts in 1 day?

That's right, I'm blogging again.
So I went to the doctor this morning to have him check on a mole and turns out, he doesn't like it so he's gonna take it off tomorrow. EEEW!
Here's the thing, I'm not really worried about the procedure as much as I am bothered by it. It wasn't that long ago that I had wisdom teeth removed while being awake and they way he explained it to me, they will numb me up but then remove not only the mole but a millemeter around that mole and then stitch me up!
Yuck... this kind of stuff grosses me out so bad because I'm so visual! Yuck yuck yuck. Anyway, it's a simple procedure just a pain in the butt and I'm nervous not because I think anything will go wrong or that I think it's dangerous at all but simply because I just don't want to be really uncomfortable! LOL

Speaking of... I've been thinking more about life in general and being more purposeful, and we've been discussing it in our small group as well. For some reason God granted me a really easy going happy attitude this morning and people life has just been better today. =) I need to remember this so I can give myself more attitude ajustments. =)

I'm headed to look at Nick Jr and what not for workideas (Thanks Beth!)

I'd appreciate prayer for tomorrow, I have this random fear that the numbing medicine won't work well enough. LOL

Happy Thursday!

RAIN!!! and other stuff

I like the rain a lot of the time! Especially when it makes the weather cooler. But one thing I DON'T like about the rain is how it affects my job. Something about the barometric (sp) pressure throws kids off and makes them wild and then because we can't go outside I end up with about 26 kinder through 2nd graders who have even more pent up energy than usual! Thank the Lord we didn't have work Monday because this is already feeling like a long week. I'm trying to come up with science and art projects to keep them busy and interested. Yesterday we made "gack" out of Elmer's glue, starch, and food coloring. That was a big hit and even their parents were impressed. I had a scarecrow craft planned but the Elmer's glue wouldn't work so today I think I'll do that craft with a few at a time and help them with a glue gun... or find a different activity.

If anyone has any suggestions for elementary aged kinds PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Two more work days left before the weekend! =)

I am getting ready for an appointment, then I have to stop at the vet to pick up some medicine for Bree, then I need to go grocery shopping, finish the laundry, prepare dinner, clean up the house and have a game plan for work today all before 2pm.... Ready... BREAK! =)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bethany and George

Well, if you know much of the adventures of Beth and George getting married, you know there wasn't really time to do engagement photos. But, who says you have to be engaged to have really awesome couple pictures!? So here's to George and Bethany; Happily married and cute as can be! =)