Thursday, October 28, 2010

T minus .... who knows?

What a terrible turn of events... I'm still in shock and don't even know how to proceed.

We found out last night that our USDA loan has not been approved simply because the USDA would rather sit on it and refuses to commit to Monday as our closing date but not only that, they have refused to commit to any date at this point so there is not closing in site.

This is a HUGE problem on many levels. We already gave our 30 day notice to break our lease with our apartment complex. Which means, even if we have no house to move into we have to be out by the 10th. Also, the $1500 buy out fee has to be paid by the 10th. Our builders were going to cover that cost upon closing. If we don't close they won't pay and it's Ryan's and mine signature on the contract that says we are responsible for paying that buy out.

We also already cancelled things like electricity and Internet over here and have set up dates for them to start/install on Monday or Tuesday. We already got our change of address in at the post office, we've booked movers, called the factory to have our fridge delivered etc. There were a lot of things we had on our list to get done before closing and we did it all. I took about 20 boxes up our (SEVERAL)apartment stairs and into a storage building. We are using paper plates and cups etc because I packed up the kitchen thinking we could get by for the next 3 days.

This is such a mess I don't know where to begin. I think right now I'm just learning to pray and try to take things one step at a time but life feels like someone pushed the pause button. I don't know how to move forward from here.

Anyway, this is just an update... prayers are GREATLY appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been praying, any news?