Friday, October 22, 2010

Blockbuster... BUSTER

Oh my goodness what just happened?!

We recieved a sweet little Halloween card from gran and a little treat money. So we decided it was going to be movie night!
We went up to Blockbuster and began our search. We are often looking for a good laugh so there we were on the Comedy isle, Ryan standing next to me while I sat in a squat looking at the movies lower down. Ryan was exclaiming about Ghost Busters and how that should be our movie of choice.

And then it happened. The loudest longest real life flatulence I have ever heard. Ryan and I met each other's shocked looks and I lokked forward to see a large pleated pant covored buttocks just on the other side of the movie wall... That's right... I was gassed!

I don't know what the heck that guy was thinking! He must have been brave! He knew we were there, we weren't being quiet! I still can't believe this actually happened! It's like something from a movie!

Ryan burst out laughing and I quickly walked away not really sure what to do! I was disgusted! I was irritated! BUT... I couldn't not laugh!

What an experience!

1 comment:

melbel55 said...

Ewwww!! The digs ( mainly Rocky ) do that all the time. Sooo gross!!