Monday, October 25, 2010


Wow! I'm gonna make this a quick blog because I have SO much to do!
We are T-8 days!!!

I suddenly have even more respect for my mom and sisters who have moved not only their stuff but their husbands stuff as well! Getting everything organized in the midst of a move is hard work!
I've still got house work and everyday life to tend to not to mention packing and sorting and getting rid of stuff or changing our address with the post office and other important people, setting up electric, Internet, canceling the ones we have out here in Austin, making sure our fridge comes when we move, booking movers!
Wow! Breathing time....

OK, I've gotten a lot of the calling, canceling, and setting up done, but our poor apartment is in complete dissaray! (Bree helps with that quite a lot, I'm looking forward to being able to exile her to our giant back yard!)

I have 2 and a half hours before I have to be at work to get all the laundry done, dinner prepped, kitchen wiped down, bedroom and bathroom cleaned, and some organizational stuff as well. I CAN DO IT! (I hope)


I have a phone interview this week with a family looking for a nanny after Christmas! I like this idea because I would plan on leaving my current job to get settled into our house and REALLY work on a good cleaning schedule before starting a new, higher paying, calmer job only 5 miles away!

I think that's it for now! Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Allison said...

You CAN DO IT! Don't think about things JUST DO THEM! This is a very exciting time for the two of you--moving in to your FIRST house together! No more moving for several years and enjoying a warm, comfy home bringing many memories!