Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Musings

"And the God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet." Romans 16:20

As our small group wrapped up it's study of Romans this week we all spent some time really meditating on this verse, discussing it's meaning and more importantly describing what it would look like to live in full belief and faith of this verse. What does it look like to live as though God WILL SOON crush Satan underneath our feet?
I mean, when you think about it, Satan is responsible for a lot of evil in the world. Persecution, spiritual warfare, death, fear, anxiety, etc. He can aid or even plant several of these things in our lives, crippling us. Taking our eyes off of Christ and the cross and onto ourselves and our perfect comfort or lack thereof.

Living as though you would stake your life on the truth in this verse was only ONE of the SEVERAL things that has challenged myself and my husband lately, to live our lives differently! The discussion of this verse in our small group lead both of us back to a study we did in our old small group before we were even courting. It was called GET UNCOMFORTABLE! And the passion and the fire to change the world as best as I can is slowly making it's way back into my blood, to pulse through my veins!

Our pastor has been preaching about how many Christians do live and then how all Christians SHOULD live! One sermon was about ladders and the bulletin actually had a put-together-yourself paper ladder for visual aid. We discussed the deceived legalistic theology that several church goers have about where they are on the ladder, and how "Well, I'm better than that guy, but I'm no mother Teressa" And that's it!!! No that shouldn't be it! So we all laid our ladders on their sides and were reminded throughout the week to stop comparing and doing things in life because we want to climb a ladder. That's not what it's about!

Then there was the segway sermon! Pastor Matt told a story about how he rented a segway and went as crazy as possible with the thing at the risk of his own health, but was remembered more than any other customer and ended up bringing in several more customers!
We as Christians should live our lives in such a way that we are remembered! In such a way that people want to know what's at our core.
We should live daring lives! Exciting, and uncomfortable lives!

The there was THIS week's sermon about Abraham and his covenant with God about his land and children. Pastor Matt used that example to preach the gospel. We are in a one sided contract. God came to closing and signed everything while we slept in! God put a deep sleep on Abraham while he did the traditional "Cutting a covenant" on his own so that only he would be bound to his promises to Abraham, and that's our life! Christ died for us! So that we could live with GRACE! NOT so that sin could abound but so that we can live for Christ through HIS power and not our own!
When Abraham struggled with his faith in God's promises God brought him outside and told him to look at the stars.
To really help us understand how powerful this was all the lights in the church dimmed and the screens were vibrant with the milky way and it was beautifully astonishing! Many of us who have known of God's great works begin to become accustom to the things of God and therefor lose appreciation and awe.
LOOK AT THE STARS PEOPLE! (Like could play says)
Look at all the crazy things in this world that were created by a God we can't even comprehend! A God so far beyond anything human, but a God who loves us so much he belittled himself to our level and DIED a horrible death to save us, and CONTINUES TO SAVE US with His grace and Mercy!
Our God is beyond incredible. 4 years ago today, without the help of a great church or perfect Christian home (Is there such a thing?) he pulled my wonderful husband out of a life of misery. 4 years ago today our great God brought my husband to Himself and began a great journey with him. And for the past 4 years God has given my incredible husband the strength and focus to stay sober and dedicated to Christ.

Not quite as long ago Christ save me from myself. From selfishness that led to great destruction and turmoil, deceived realities and false ideas of who God really was. Christ saved me from myself physically, and spiritually and tuned me around completely and began me on a new journey.
It's crazy to think that in a great environment growing up I still managed to have a misunderstanding of Christianity and a RELATIONSHIP with Christ because I was too much a part of the picture. Like Paul (I think) says I must become less so that Christ may become more.

THIS is our God and just a tiny glimpse of His power and glory and kindness. What are WE doing for Him? What are we doing for His kingdom? How are we showing Gratitude for our lives? Our salvation, provision, companionship, our comfort?

I saw a movie at my parents house of this speaker clinging to a balance beam talking about living a save predictable Christian life away from the dark and scary world. At the end of it all when he's "before the judge" he lets go and throws his arms in the air as if he dismounted at the end of a perfect routine.
"Can you imagine?" he asked "If the Olympics were like this? everyone so afraid of falling, getting hurt, or messing up that this is all we see?"
I'm with him! Who wants to watch that? It's not memorable it's boring!

Our Sunday School class touched on our talents and God given gifts and personalities and using them to the fullest without arrogance, false humility, or doubt.

And what about legacy? What will our obituary say? What will we leave behind us? How many lives will we touch and be a part of?

This is just a few of things we have been presented with in the past few weeks but obviously God is telling us something!
At this point we are doing a lot of seeking about how God wants us to get uncomfortable and how we should live more daringly. We know for sure our new home when it's finished will be a place to share God's love and provision with other people... constantly.
There is a mission trip to Mexico this Thanksgiving with our church and unfortunately we have plans with family that week but they did another trip at spring break last year and if they go again in March we plan to be a part of the team.

So we are praying and discovering more and more as each day passes and thinking about what our days consist of and how we can be more purposeful and daring. What can we do? what can I do? On just a regular day?
Well, this mundane Monday is about to find out!


Allison said...

Praise God, praise God, praise God!! It was all a God plan to help Ryan get to where he is today and there were many, many elements that led to it. Thank you Father again and again for my son's life ever after. Very well written and said Tiffany! Thank you and thank God for being beside you in your time of struggle.

Love the progress on your house. I'm so excited for you!

Allison said...

Keep up with the photography and writing. You are VERY blessed with these talents and I'm sure many more I don't even know of.

Love you.

Tiffany said...

Thanks Mama A!

That's very enuraging! I've actually been thinking a lot about what God wants me to do with some of the passions he's given me. =)