Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All About Bree

Wow! This is amazing! I made a list yesterday and only had a limited amount of time to get it all done and not only did I get most of it done but I also managed to give Bree a bath and put her in an outfit! LOL (It was three bucks!)

She likes to try to each the fuzzy on the end of it.

These pics got all out of order, her dress is a little orange pull-over with sparkly bats and spiders on it and a little black boa attached to the end. =)

This picture is for size reference and I've been meaning to send it to Mama A for a while! LOL

This just cracked me up so I thought I'd add it to the bunch. Bree has figured out how to get on our coffee table and likes to lay on it because it is marble and stays cool. She should be content with the tile in our new house.

Last one in her Halloween dress

Time to make a list for Tuesday!

We still have plenty to do but are really looking forward to the upcoming week! Can't wait to see family and be in our new home.
Today I need to get more packing and decluttering done but between work and an appointment my time today is a bit limited.
That's ok, I'll get started!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Sassafrass said...

She is so stinkin cute!