Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 posts in 1 day?

That's right, I'm blogging again.
So I went to the doctor this morning to have him check on a mole and turns out, he doesn't like it so he's gonna take it off tomorrow. EEEW!
Here's the thing, I'm not really worried about the procedure as much as I am bothered by it. It wasn't that long ago that I had wisdom teeth removed while being awake and they way he explained it to me, they will numb me up but then remove not only the mole but a millemeter around that mole and then stitch me up!
Yuck... this kind of stuff grosses me out so bad because I'm so visual! Yuck yuck yuck. Anyway, it's a simple procedure just a pain in the butt and I'm nervous not because I think anything will go wrong or that I think it's dangerous at all but simply because I just don't want to be really uncomfortable! LOL

Speaking of... I've been thinking more about life in general and being more purposeful, and we've been discussing it in our small group as well. For some reason God granted me a really easy going happy attitude this morning and people life has just been better today. =) I need to remember this so I can give myself more attitude ajustments. =)

I'm headed to look at Nick Jr and what not for workideas (Thanks Beth!)

I'd appreciate prayer for tomorrow, I have this random fear that the numbing medicine won't work well enough. LOL

Happy Thursday!

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