Monday, January 28, 2013

My Thoughts...

- I am 24 now, and that's pretty hard for me to believe! LOL

- Sometime in the next 20 days or so I'm going to become a Mommy. WOW!

- This place at the end of my pregnancy where all the preparation is done and there is only waiting left is rather surreal. I've run out of things to do and I look around at my house and imagine my little girl here with me and it's just crazy.

- I can't wait to hold Hannah Kate for the very first time. I imagine the moment often.

- I hope she comes before her due date or that she just isn't quite as big as they think she will be.

- I have another appointment Wednesday. Hopefully we will get a better idea of how much she is really growing in a week, and maybe some good news on when she might show up!

- I already feel so protective over my baby. I love her so much already it's overwhelming to imagine how I will feel when she's in my arms for the first time.

- I can't wait to see Ryan hold her for the first time, to see Ryan see her for the first time, his reaction etc. I'm looking forward to it because I know it's not quite the same for the husbands during a pregnancy, but once they can see and touch their baby, the rest of the world just seems to fall away.

- Though I could have 3 weeks left before she comes, I have her car seat installed in the van, my hospital bag is all packed and I'm prepared to head out on a moment's notice. (although, I know it doesn't happen instantly like that.)

- Dog food is expensive for 2 big dogs. We switched brands to a cheaper Walmart bag that's a way better value, and the transition gives the dogs nasty gas.... yuck! At least they should get used to it within a week.

-We filed our tax return and Thank You Jesus! It is a little more than we expected so we should be able to pay off all our debt and take car of our van, which needs an oil change, new tires, inspection and registration stickers, as well as some other things but we will do what we can.

- I could pretty much live in my new PJs. I have gotten so big and uncomfortable here at the end of this pregnancy that most clothes feel restricting and these are super soft and abundantly stretchy so my big whale tummy can stick out as much as it does without feeling restrained. LOL

- I love our church. I'm really enjoying this sermon series. And I look forward to small group every week.

- I am so grateful for my Dr. I forgot how long is typical to wait at an appointment with the actual doctor but I'm still so grateful that we have had such great care and that we can really trust our medical team in the coming weeks to prepare for the birth of our baby.

- January is almost over. I'm looking forward to February!

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