Monday, January 7, 2013

34 Weeks

In an effort to keep our electricity bill low, we have been living without heat. It's kind of cozy, actually because it's not so cold outside that it makes it miserable inside. We wear warm clothes and do things like climb under the covers with the iPad to write a blog.  :)

Im actually more tolerant than Ryan is. He decides when it's time to turn on the heat, which doesn't bother me because I'm home more than he is so we are still saving money. My bun in the over keeps me comfortably warm. Lol.

Speaking of... We are 34 weeks today! Only 6 more weeks until we meet Hannah Kate. We are so excited! Ryan and I added lettuce to our porch garden yesterday when the sun was bright and warms and we sat outside and talked about how we can't wait to hold and snuggle her and feel the extreme difference between the love we already have for her and the overwhelming love we will discover when she is actually here!

We are both aware of how different life is with young children (thanks to fostering) and are really focusing on going into these new changes prepared! Luckily for us, our church is right on track with that. We just started a new sermon series on marriage that wraps up about Valentine's day! We are strengthening the foundations of our family by drawing closer to each other, God, the scripture and wise people at church.

We have started a new Bible reading plan to read through the Bible this year and are working on a special prayer plan. We needed to choose a new small group this semester as Ryan goes to school on the night our last small group met. But I see that as a blessing because especially when the small groups are going deeper into the sermon series on marriage, I prefer to learn from older wiser people whose lives reflect the biblical picture for marriage. I think we have found the perfect group to go to and we know and greatly respect the leaders and already know one couple.
This is a huge blessing to me as its been nearly 3 years since Ryan and I really felt connected and cared for in a church group (and not for lack of trying) and we both have high hopes for this group.

My sweet husband is planning a special joint birthday celebration for us this months as a sort of, last hooray before Hannah Kate arrives. It will encompass both of our birthdays, Valentine's Day, and our 3rd Anniversary. I'm very excited to see what he is planning.

I'm also super excited about my Baby Shower this Sunday! My sister really knows how to throw a party and knowing that she is the brains behind it all and my moms handy work is a part of the decoration... I know it will be splendid!
I or someone else will take great picks so I can brag afterwards!

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