Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1st 2013

It's a new year! And the year that our baby will be born! We are currently 33 weeks along so only 7 more weeks until we get to meet Hannah Kate! It feels even less far away now that I can say she will be here NEXT MONTH!

In about a week I have another OB appointment where I hope it will be confirmed that Little Girl has turned head down, like a suspect. Just two days after that Ryan and I have our Birthing Class Workshop and the following day is my baby shower! :)

A weekend later will be Ryan's birthday, and then OB appointments happen weekly in anticipation of Hannah Kate's arrival, then it will be my birthday and before we know it, February will be here and we will be just a few weeks away from meeting our baby girl!

Hannah Kate's room is GORGEOUS already but I'm waiting until we have the mattress, bedding, window treatment, and changing pad that will complete the room before posting pictures. I LOVE my rocker, LOVE the furniture and the wall decor, it has come together more beautifully than I imagined.

We have collected quite a bit in the way of clothes and blankets and after our January shower I will be delighted to remove all the tags and hangers etc and do all the baby laundry and put all of her things away in the most perfectly organized way I can think of.

I have loved preparing for our sweet girl and Ryan is amazed at how strong her movements have become. I am becoming a little less comfortable each week as her growth is less and less subtle and much more noticeable.

I'm trying not to pay attention to the numbers on the scale at this point as I know Hannah Kate is gaining about half a pound or more a week. But Ryan did get the garage finished and my new treadmill set up so we have begun working out together and I plan on doing that the rest of my pregnancy and as soon after birth as is safe, and I have the energy for. (I'm going to try to sleep it up as much as possible while my baby sleeps... when and however long that may be!)

6 weeks after my sweet girl is here, once I've gotten used to new life and regained strength etc, I plan on joining weight watchers; and between that and using my treadmill until the weather is nice enough and I feel comfortable taking my baby on walks, I hope to not only lose baby weight but get back down to my wedding weight. (I'm hoping this is less difficult than it has been in the past due to magical pregnancy hormones that I'm praying did away with my PCOS.)

But honestly, all of these thoughts post baby, are just speculation and thoughts to keep me entertained while waiting for Hannah. Once she is here, if I do nothing else but love her, hold her, feed her.... I will be more than content. My heart has longed for her for many years and I have learned patience and long suffering in the time that I waited for her and one of my top goals for 2013 is to enjoy every single stage and aspect of having this precious gift, no matter how difficult or unexpected.
I don't want to take anything for granted anymore but ESPECIALLY my sweet daughter.

I'm so excited for the next seven weeks! And so very blessed and grateful.  :)

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