Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hannah Kate's Room

I'm so excited about this room in our home, I venture in there for a little sit down and just soak it all in at least once a day. :)

Back before we ever even knew we would have trouble getting pregnant I knew I wanted my first little girl's room to be themed with red poppies.
It's significant for several reasons: 1.) Because her Daddy's favorite past time is gardening, 2.) Because some of her Mommy's fondest memories are of singing at the Poppy Fest in Georgetown, and 3.) Because ever since we chose that theme for a girl, God has used red poppies to encourage me in some of the most sorrowful of times.

Now the room is just about complete! All that we need now is a mattress and sheets! (And I need to do all her laundry!)

But this is our special Hannah Kate's room! Beautiful, bright, and full of joy!

The clothes line of tags above the closet is special. Each tag has a prayer, blessing, or message for Hannah Kate from a friend or family member. We have extra tags and clothes pins for when people come and visit us either in the hospital or at home after she is born. We will continue to add to her clothes line until everyone who wants to has gotten the chance to write her a tag. This is such a neat idea and really hits home has the name Hannah means "blessed" and reading all of these tags and hearing some special prayers and blessings over Hannah Kate at my shower pleases my heart so much. My daughter is already covered in prayers and blessings!

Last night Ryan said "One more month and our daughter will be here." Then he looked at me and laughed asking "Are you ready for her to be out?"
I must confess, while I will never complain about being pregnant due to how long I've waited and wanted it to happen, these last five weeks are proving to be the most uncomfortable. I have a very short torso and my baby is gaining about an ounce a day and I can feel my body stretching and growing heavier and more cramped and it's not the most comfortable thing in the world, but also, I'm just getting impatient to meet my little princess! So Yes! I'm ready for this little bundle of joy to be here.
I'm hoping for a Valentine's Day delivery! That would give Ryan a 3 day weekend to be at home with us and we wouldn't have to use all his vacation for the whole rest of the year.

I have a doctor's appointment a week from today where we get to see an ultra sound of Hannah Kate, get an idea of how much she currently weighs and how much she is projected to weigh about the time she is due. From then on out its a visit every week to see how we are progressing and when we might expect her to arrive! This is where things get exciting! :)

This weekend is Ryan's birthday and his mom is coming in town! I'm excited, it will be so much fun!

Today I am working on a special home made birthday gift for my hubby, doing my usual daily chores, planning out meals and a grocery list for tomorrow and tonight we get to go to our new small group that we are both so excited about! It's a good day.  :)

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