Wednesday, January 23, 2013

And the Mommy anxiety sets in...

Today at my OB visit I found out that my baby is being considered full term even though we are only 36 weeks.
She is in the 84th percentile and she measures closer to 38 weeks old in some of her growth measurements.  According to the technology we have (which is not 100% accurate, I know) She is measuring 6 pounds 14 ounces already! My doctor is pretty sure we will have a 9 pound baby on our hands by her due date.
This may not seem like a big deal but let me just say; as I first time Mommy, this is a VERY BIG deal!

I'm pretty anxious about the birth as it is because I'm a planner and I had several things laid out in my head that no longer look as though they will be that way. Birth plans never are I suppose...

At this point I am PRAYING that we are one of the lucky few first timers that has an early labor. I know it's not likely but I was nervous enough about having a drug free birth before I found out our little girl is likely to be 9 pounds full term.

Most of my other anxieties are typical of the last few weeks before a baby is to arrive. How I will do, what to expect, when it will happen, if I'll be ready etc.

I'm very excited to meet her and my goal for now is to focus on God and being at peace and just thinking about the joys of finally getting to see this precious gift I have waited so long for!
She will be SO worth it, no matter when she comes or how much she weighs!

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