Saturday, November 3, 2012


- Something about the red Holiday cups (And not working at Starbucks) makes the drinks taste better at this time of year.  :)

- I'm so glad it's  November! I love this time of year, I hope the weather gets cooler very quickly.

- It's possible Ryan might be able to take off the day of my appointment to make a day trip with me to the OB in Austin. At least we still wouldn't have to board the dogs. We will reevaluate when we get closer.

- Ryan and I are both trying to be better stewards in life. One thing we have concentrated on is wasting time with too much media. We are not against TV, video games or internet (obviously) but it does become so much a part of our daily routine that we have decided to get more creative and purposeful with our time.

- One thing we have started doing is reading out loud together. We started with Narnia (We like to include Hannah Kate, she can hear us reading!) We are reading the Magicians Nephew

- With less media and more one on one time we find we have more to talk about. Like what books and movies we want or don't want our children to take part in. I love parenting discussions because they get pretty deep but we always seem to be of one mind :)

- We've also started Study Dates! Neither of us are natural studiers but Ryan is studying to get his own HVAC license so he can start his own business on the side and be more comfortable taking on residential jobs. The test is tough and he has LOTS of material to go over. Only 40% of people pass the first time.
While he studies (if he doesn't need my help) I am writing a novel which I hope to sell and bring in a small income. It's a lofty dream but if I do get published with one book it just makes it that much easier to get published with another and it's something I can do while still being a full time Mom.

- Our first Study Date was telling. We are making progress but it will take us both a while before we can really hammer down and get more done in select periods of time.

- I need more personal projects. Ryan is gone more lately and I've run out of things to do. I've done all the organizing/decluttering I can do, and I don't want to start any projects that just clutter up the place again. (Like craft projects that just eventually get thrown away.) But I definately need something to keep my mind and hands busy to pass the time... Hmmmm...

-Thanksgiving is gonna be here before we know it! I have soo much to be Thankful for! I can't wait to be back home with my parents and family and raise our daughter and other children back home!

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