Thursday, November 15, 2012

Exactly One Month From Today....

Today is November 15th. On December 15th we will be packing up one GIANT Penske truck and our awesome mini van (with all the seats down!) and heading back to Austin!

Now that we are just 4 weeks away, we have done a lot of prep to make this move easier. I have learned SO much from all of our moves!
Grocery shopping is different now. I try only to buy things I am SURE we will consume before the move and am especially careful with cold foods. I'm not planning on moving anything edible! It's one less thing to deal with. So the pantry and the freezer/refrigerator were all cleaned out before I went shopping today, we have gone through clothes, books, movies, closets, cabinets, under the bed containers, boxes etc and have gotten rid of things in EVERY category and then reorganized or repacked it.
Yesterday I went through the bathroom supplies. Hair products make up etc. I let it add up when really it should get thrown away and sorted, and I was about ready to box it up when I realized I was out of tape.
But Ryan came home with a Walmart gift card from work! We got to grab some fun things as well as a few little things before pay day.

Today I was planning on using our last box to box up the bathroom things we don't use on a regular basis and on my way out to grocery shop I noticed a small stick of unused packing boxes near a dumpster in our complex! Score!

We are both SO ready to get back home we are ahead of the game! Our electricity and water have already been pre set up to start back in Pflugerville on appropriate days. I am scanning the best deal on internet services to have one some out and hook us up on move in day, we have already ordered our truck and started packing and grouping our things for an easier move, and we have even already recruited a few loving helpers for move in day.
My big brother is doing his best to be here to help Ryan pack up the truck before we head out but his work schedule is crazy!
I can pack up the van by myself it's mostly loose items, clothes, decor, baskets etc. All the delicate things will be in my care. The truck will have furniture and boxes.

I get so excited organizing our return home and I'm so glad we get to be back in time to enjoy some of the Christmas holiday before it's over!

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