Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Excitement Of Getting Ready!

Well, there certainly is a lot to be getting ready for; and the joy and excitement of it all is making me giddy! First off: Getting Ready for Hannah Kate! I got some great maternity shirts that I had been wanting for a while now, and really kind of needed and I love them! One of my favorites is black with pink and silver detail that says "Princess in Progress" Wearing it kind of makes me extra aware of my precious baby girl! We are only 12 weeks away from meeting our sweet daughter and with one shower down we are still receiving items in the mail, stocking up her stuff for the move and working on her nursery.
My mom got all the fabric for her curtains, bedding etc. on Black Friday and I ordered her rocker special order several weeks ago. Her crib and toy/book cabinet are waiting at my mom's house and I just finished transforming an old buffet table into her dresser/changing table!

We are so excited and can't wait to have her room all set up and ready for her when she get's here!

That's another thing we are getting ready for! We move in 17 days! In preparation we have been selling things on Craigslist, booked our moving truck, will be getting a storage room in Round Rock and taking a few trips up in advance to be sure we can get it all there, and I have been organizing and packing and donating like crazy! I am SO excited to get back home, be near family, be in MY home, get everything put away and organized and start perfecting Hannah Kate's room!

Getting ready for Christmas: this is more of a heart/spiritual preparedness. I LOVE this time of year so I am definitely preparing with Joy in my heart but I am also challenged to remember what Christmas is really about and to be focused on the right aspects of the season. We already have all of our Christmas gifts ready and waiting at Gigi and Pop's house for Christmas morning, and we will be all moved in (hopefully) and relaxed, ready to spend our last Christmas before parenthood with each other and family.

I am SO ecstatic about everything coming up and so blessed that I have enough to do in the mean time that I am not just bored out of my mind counting minutes until either Ryan get's home or our move back home.

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