Monday, November 26, 2012

28 WEEKS!!!

Today we are 28 weeks along! Only 12 more weeks before we are full term and ready to meet Hannah Kate!

We have had quite the holiday weekend! Let's recap:

Wednesday was nice because it was like a Friday. I got back from Austin where I had a fabulous time with my mom and sister and a wonderful doctor's appointment that confirmed both Hannah Kate and myself are stellar in the health department! :)
I got to show Ryan and his mom our ultra sound on DVD and then Ryan and I enjoyed a relaxing evening at home, slept in late, and headed to Thanksgiving at Gran's.
We watched the Texans game (We are so going to the super bowl!) Had the turkey and fixins. And then transitioned into a family baby shower for Hannah Kate! She got so many wonderful things! We got a great head start with her car seat, bouncer, sleep and play rocker, swaddles and bath stuff. I'm so grateful! And had so much fun I can't wait for the next shower in Austin! :)

Friday was a great relaxing day of sleeping in and enjoying extra time with my hubby. We spent some more time with Gran and Grandad and Allison and Bob and came home late but still got plenty enough sleep for Saturday! We moved from the briar forest garage to the 290 garage so that when we move to Austin in 20 days we are only moving from one area.
This was a very good thing because it showed us that there is no possible way we can move all of our stuff in one trip. We packed a 16 foot truck full of stuff just from the briar forest garage. We are renting the largest truck possible (26 foot) for our move and we just cannot expect to fit a couch, two beds, and the rest of the apartment etc in an extra ten feet.
So I think we have decided to try for me to make two trips in the next 20 days with the van packed to the max with boxes and smaller items to put in a storage room so that we decrease what we take on moving day.
We may also have a friend with a truck coming up from Austin to help. Then I think we can be moved all in that weekend... except for Ryan's silly work truck.

After we got all moved in the 290 garage we got some lunch and had our Christmas exchange! That was so much fun. Allie got really into it and I'm glad we got to make it happen because with our move just 3 weeks away and everyone's busy schedules, I wasn't sure it would get to happen in person this year.

So I have got from searching for projects to keep me busy until we move to having long lists of to do's to prepare for the move. I have more things to organize with the baby shower and Christmas and now that we know we are going to have to rent a storage room and make some extra trips, I have some planning to do, not so mention actually organizing what can go down to a storage room and what needs to stay until moving day etc. Plus I have errands to run, bills to pay, furniture to redo etc.
But I am more than thankful for all of it because I was asking God to help me find ways to be productive and not be bored or too anxious for future days. I'm enjoying everything in it's time and then the time just flies by!

Well, this post is far too long as it is and I have plenty to do, so HAPPY CHRISTMAS SEASON!!!

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