Monday, November 19, 2012

In The Home Stretch!

Today I am 27 weeks pregnant which puts me into my third and final trimester! I can hardly believe it! In 91 days I will be full term and ready for Hannah Kate to arrive at any time! It's gone by a lot faster than I would have though in some cases but a lot slower in other ways.
When I think about what's going to happen over the next few months I know these last several weeks are going to wiz by!

For instance: It's Thanksgiving week! Today I super clean the apartment and get all the laundry done because I won't have time to do it before Thanksgiving. Tomorrow morning I get up and head out to Austin for a big doctor's appointment and an overnight stay with my parents. Wednesday I head back to Houston in time to meet my hubby after work and TA-DA a long holiday weekend begins!
Thursday is not only Thanksgiving at Grans but a family Baby Shower for Ryan and I. We might just take a look at Black Friday ads and venture out... or not. We will see. But we should get plenty of family time over the weekend. We are also going to be moving all the big bulky furniture from Briar Forest to the 290 garage so we can better hose/clean things off and get organized for the move. This will make things SO much easier because the 290 house is just 5 minutes or so from the apartment and now we will only be moving from one area, instead of having to take a moving truck all the way to the other side of town.
It also gives me a work place to get started on my changing table/dresser for Hannah Kate's room. I'm really excited about that because I've run out of things to work on up until a week or less before the move so it gives me something fun to do with my time!

I know this week is going to fly by, what with Ryan off so much and fun family affairs going on and then we are officially into the Christmas season! And even today we are only 26 days out from our move home! After this week we start the 20 day count down and that's when I can get back to work on getting things ready! (or at least, within that amount of time. I got a good head start so only last minute stuff is left to do as far as the move goes.)

All these count downs! 3 days until Thanksgiving! 26 days until we move home! 36 days until Christmas! And 91 days until we will be able to meet our precious baby! And between Christmas and Hannah Kate's due date we have New Years, Birthdays, Valentine's day, and right about the time she is expected to arrive, our anniversary! :)
This last trimester will be full of joy and life and love and family! I'm so excited! And so very grateful!


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