Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Is Love?

I already know the Sunday School answer is found in 1 Corinthians 13...
"Love is patient, love is kind..."
Thanks, but that's not what I mean today.

Define love. Not love like how you love your mother, brother, sister, and father... love like... how you love your spouse, you significant other, or soon-to-be.
Tell me about that love.

My initial thought is that love is scary, (at first anyway) because new love is a risk. And when it creeps up on you it sort of makes you wanna freak out and scream "What the!?" ... but in a good way.
I guess the scary thing is... do they love you back? If no one's dropped the L-bomb(...and it may be too early to say such things at this point...) there's not a real easy way to know. And if they do happen to love you back, there's still a chance that your heart could break.... again.
Not that we don't have trustworthy people in our lives, but still... and here's a question... would love be as amazing as it is without some sort of risk?

So far, what I think love is from observation, a personal relationship, and human feelings and emotions, is as follows:

Love puts them before you.
You become more interested in their music, their interests, their birthday, and what you can do to make them smile than your own.

Love is thanking God for them every night after recounting the ways that you feel blessed just by knowing them.

Love is service without expectation.

Love is expression, emotion, affection.

Love is difficult conversations and hurtful things that are waded through together to achieve a positive and God honoring result.

Love is a constant learning process.

Love is laughter, play, fun, exciting.

Love is discovoring God's will between two people who are quickly falling for each other and trusting that God knows better, and has the perfect timeing for everything.

Love is letting go, learning not to try so hard, really getting to know, and completely trust a person.

These individual things don't describe love by themselves, but I think together it can be what love is... But what do I know? Maybe some, maybe more than I think I do...
What is love to you? Seriously! Give me some fruit here... just a few good definitions that describe love in your life.

1 comment:

Mr. Brightside said...

You better not love someone. You are only 13!