Monday, January 12, 2009

Walking With Christ (He knows pretty much EVERYTHING!)

"...But His strength is sufficient and courage shines bright,
I'm assured because I know, He is the water of life..."
- From the song 'Water'

I went on a jog this morning with my ipod. I enjoy getting some exercise outside where I can see God's creation with music that proclaims the truth.
In my time this morning I felt an unusual reassurance. I feel as though God was telling me: "Look at all that you have, see all these gifts and blessings I have granted to you? Do not forget all that you have, no matter what life brings you, ALWAYS remember my love, and MY plans to prosper you for MY name's sake."
I smiled as I enjoyed my morning with God. (There's something really neat about spending some of your personal walk with Christ on an actual walk.)
When I got home I grabbed a towel and started to decide what to wear to my first day at my new nanny job. Before I got in the shower I sat down at my computer to check my e-mail, and there it was: My "Dear Tiffany Letter" ('Cause, you know, my name's not John.)
Unfortunately my boss had sent me an e-mail that relieved me of the duties I was getting ready to take on. Her husband was laid off and now not only can they not afford me, but they don't need me because he will be home to care for their daughter.
My first reaction was to respond to the concern and remorse that drenched the e-mail I received. Because I had just gotten the e-mail it didn't quite set in that I had budgeted around that first paycheck that I now won't be getting.
I was able to share the love of Christ with this woman and reassure her that I understood her situation, would be praying for their family and have confidence that my God will provide for us both.
I think it was in telling my parents about my news that it really set in. We prayed and I began my search for a new job. Writing this blog now, I have already contacted 4 possible job opportunities, and while there was the initial freak out and the temptation to succumb to anxiety and extreme stress, I couldn't get out of my mind what I felt God speak to me this morning.
See, God's this all powerful, all knowing guy, and I'm sure that our time this morning was in preparation for the rest of today.

God is Jehovah Jireh, the Great Provider, and in that, I place my hope, and by that, I am reassured that all will work together in His plan, and in His timing to the good of all and to glorify Him.

The economy is not in good shape right now, people are losing their jobs left and right, or dealing with pay cuts, shut downs, etc. The world is a scary place, but how much bigger does that make our almighty Father?

My prayer is for those in similar positions as myself, and in much worse, those who have family to support, for the many people all over the place who are going through difficult times, that we would look to Christ, put our faith in Him and remember that He is in control.

Be thankful for what work you have(talking to myself here too) never forget or belittle what God has blessed us with. We have so much that I'm sure we don't deserve and I can't help but think, what an awesome God we have!
Thanks you Jesus! (<- That may have been corny but it's true and heartfelt)

Have a marvelous week and a happy Monday!

1 comment:

Mr. Brightside said...

I despise Monday's-I wish I would have read this yesterday. ummmmmm....someone loves Jesus....I'm telling.....