Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dear God, .....

Dear God,

I know you know more than me, you know better than I do. I know you've got plans that I don't really understand, but... Well... Are you sure this is the best way to go about things? I mean, I know you know what you're doing but... have you taken a look around? A good loot at me?
See, I try really hard to keep up with my prayer and Bible reading, and I feel like I've done pretty well. I've even been working REALLY hard to keep my attitude in check. But I think I should remind you of something...
I'm NOT like your servant, Job. And now I haven't lost my family, sheep, and servants... but I'm having a hard enough time not freaking out already!
Lord, I know this is all for a VERY good reason, but you know that I really don't do well under a lot of stress and preassure, especially when so much of life is up in the air and I have no control over it!
Now, I know... it's not my job to have control... but it does seem to be a difficult thing for me to grasp.
I know you've blessed me, and I'm trying to remember all of those blessings, but as my problems and anxiety get bigger and seem to take over my life that's getting harder to do.
I should be getting ready for work, studying, reading, job searching, etc. I know I should be proactive but you seem so quiet lately and I know you see this anxiety in me. Can't you give me SOMETHING? Anything really... just let me know a job is coming, for me AND my dad, let me know I'll pass these classes, or let me in on part of that big plan you have for my life!
I guess, you reallly do know better, you're in control, and I've just got to do my best to let go and let you do your job... but I'll tell you one thing... This is no fun!

Your Stresss Ball of a Kidult...

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