Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Random Thoughts

Ever had a brain freeze from drinking a little too much of something very cold a little too quickly?

I get something similar when I try to retain too much information in a short period of time (Usually nap time!)
Research Headaches...Sometimes it's like trying to drink out of a fire hydrant.
BTW... ever wanted to see what that might look like?
Well... Happy Wednesday!

Google is a great resource but be careful what you search for... and how you word things... and typos... there is some crazy stuff on the internet! ...

Today's research has been a bit more encouraging. While more precise and complicated, and depending on my level of PCOS/Insulin Resistance, I should be able to get on the "Healthy Train" with lifestyle alone. No drugs. I'm of course still going to talk with all the proper medical professionals but I'm still encouraged.

Now if I could just figure out the correlation between my daughter's sleep patterns.... or Not-patterns since there really is no consistency.

You know what's ironic? When I was about 17 or 18 I was extremely vain and insecure... possibly even slightly narcissistic. My greatest fear in life was being fat and ugly and not having any power over it, or the ability to change it... seriously. That fear consumed me for a while.
And now 5 or 6 years later... to some extent, I feel like that is my life right now. No, I'm not completely powerless, but the difficulty losing and then maintaining a healthy weight has been pretty astounding to me.
This makes me sad, and I do feel quite insecure sometimes... but I'm grateful that my life holds so much more meaning now than what I look like.
And my drive to show my daughter that true beauty and confidence is in Godliness is a great "re-focus-er" during those times.

Love is amazing.
My husband is pretty perfect.
My daughter is a peach.
My God is good to me, and bigger than my problems.
Life is what I make of it, and right here, right now, I'm making life good. 

1 comment:

Mama B said...

You rock, baby girl!