Monday, July 8, 2013


What a weekend! It hardly felt like a weekend to me but I am so grateful that God is working on my heart, my patience, and my attitude lately.

Ryan was on call this weekend and was called out twice in the middle of the night and then on Sunday afternoon.
He was gone several hours out of the weekend which means Mommy had very little relief time but it didn't bother me nearly as much as it would have in the past. I just kept hearing these gentle reminders that we have been praying for financial blessings and here it is! Thanks God. What freedom there is in knowing God provides!

We had a pretty awesome Adoption Shower over here on Saturday. I should have taken pictures because the decorations were so awesome the family took them home to put up in the girl's rooms.

I didn't eat ANY carbs this weekend even though some of my favorite foods showed up as temptation! Cake, Pizza, Chips and Dip etc.

I'm feeling very free in this diet, which is funny because I'm restricted to certain foods. But I feel so healthy and alive and successful! The longer I do it, the easier it gets, and in 13 days I'm taking one heck of a day off to eat yummy stuff and celebrate my baby brother's wedding! I can't believe he is getting married!

I am now Facebook Free and stickin' with e-mail and blogging as online forms of keeping in touch.
This may make me sound like a horrible American but I am SO sick of politics! Political views being hurled here and there and guess what bill is being passed tomorrow or what's being changed today.... I have a hard time caring because people get so overly passionate about things... or maybe just overly passionate on the wrong side and I'm overly opinionated on what I consider the "Right" side... no pun intended.
I mean I have opinions about guns, Paula Dean, our president and state laws etc, but yelling them out as a battle cry on Facebook is just not for me, and I'm relieved to be free of such spam in my life.

Last night was a rough night for sleep. It took me four times to finally get Hannah Kate settled in for the night and then we were up nearly every hour of the night... Ryan is convinced she's teething... I don't know what I think. Except maybe that I'd really like the 10pm-6am days back!

This morning I was snuggling her in bed and when she was awake and ready for the day she just started laughing and I love the way she smiles when she's on my tummy.
Shoe LOVES water, and so baths are a several times a day thing over here. We would go swimming more if there were more shade at our pool and more friends to go with but my bathtub works just as well and doesn't have chlorine in it! :)
I love my sweet girl! I'm sorry she isn't sleeping better both for her sake and mine, I know she isn't getting the sleep she needs but I can't figure out why or what to do about it.
Oh well, tonight is a new night and already we have enjoyed precious moments today.
I consider myself very blessed!

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