Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Goings On

So let me start yet again by talking about health, food, and overall wellness.

I went to my doctor's office today for a check up and got to see my favorite nurse practitioner. Everyone was dripping with compliments of how gorgeous my little girl is... I love it! I smile and say thank you but inside I'm saying "I know!" :)

I talked to Kelly (Nurse Practitioner) about my current "stuff" and that I recently started changing my eating habits to directly attack my insulin issues and asked how much hope I could logically put into this way of eating curing my PCOS.

Her response is that life style changes like this have proven to be so effective, she and Doctor Seeker have discussed hiring a nutritionist for all their many PCOS and insulin resistance patience as insulin issues so widely affect women's health.
Furthermore, I was told that while I may always have a tendency towards PCOS and insulin resistance, this diet plan can basically make it appear as though I've never had it.

So in short, YES I can basically cure my PCOS. (Or as I like to think, Kick it's butt!)

I'm very excited about this, and am trucking on!

Ryan and I have been experimenting with more recipes. Almond bread is not my thing but Ryan enjoys it! My favorite recipe is still the brownies.

In fact I am using the brownie recipe as a base for my peanut butter brownie cake that I will be serving as dessert (along with the famous watermelon that Dad picked out!)
We are also having grilled pork chops and chicken breasts,
tomato mozzarella salad 
green Parisian salad
and deviled eggs

Super delicious and low carb friendly!

In other news...

Cake and Coffee had their first zoo adventure today!

Makafui seemed to really enjoy himself! He tuckered out in the van afterwards and woke up happy and ready to play with his little cousin instead of going home. LOL
Hannah Kate fell asleep in the Ergo about 10 minutes into the zoo so she missed most of it but she has plenty of time, plus Austin has nothing on the San Antonio and Houston zoos so more adventures are in their future! :)


Anonymous said...

looking forward to seeing you all soon...

Tiffany said...

Us too! You should come over to our house this time. Its been too long :)