Saturday, July 13, 2013

Random Thoughts

- I got some bad news this week that really bummed me out; I have to visit my Dr far more than a normal woman after delivering her baby. This makes me sad because I had hoped, that like many other women, actually getting pregnant would solve my "issues" instead I find out I probably have a couple of "issues" that are unrelated.

- In the process of dealing with this news I was reminded of what great support I have. My husband spent most of the rest of that day caring for the baby while I spoke with the nurse and made another appointment and then promptly took a bubble bath. We both did some research and discussed all the possible outcomes and our game plans. My family has also been very encouraging and I know that prayers are already going out on my behalf. (Now THAT'S good family.)

- I wish I could say better things about my diet. I'm not giving up, but with the start I got, I expected more. It's possible that there's an "Operator Error" as I haven't quite finished the book. So I'm stickin' with it, although I ate half a pizza by myself on Bad News Day. I won't cheat again until Little Brother's wedding.

- I've been laying next to Hannah Kate in my bed to get her to take naps the past two days. It works, but I don't think I'm going to keep it up because it just makes me tired and I don't get anything done.

- Mima is coming in town for a few days at the beginning of this week. We are excited to get to spend some time with her.

- Ryan is turning our yard into our own little Eden. We have a pear tree in the front yard; as well as a Mountain Laurel and a Texas Willow Red Bud. In the back yard we now have an Oak tree, two fig trees, an orange tree, a pomegranate tree and a pumello tree. I'm not sure I like half of these fruits but the trees are pretty and we will get some good shade in a few years.

- I'm really excited about my baby brother's wedding this next weekend. My little family is wearing coordinating outfits at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. I'm taking pictures of the wedding and the portraits following, and I need to remember to bring my tripod and have everything charged and memory cards cleared etc. I'm a bit nervous because taking care of a 5 month old makes me a bit distracted and scatter brained.

- We tried organic brown rice cereal with Hannah Kate the other day. I tried a couple of bites and got the idea that she's not quite ready so we are backing off until she is closer to 6 months old. But she loves her spoons and sitting in her new high chair at the table with Mommy and Daddy so we are still making progress introducing her to meal time.

- Mima is bringing cousin Allie's old exersaucer for Hannah Kate when she comes to visit. We are SO looking forward to seeing her react to that new toy.

- Hannah Kate loves to roll onto her tummy from her back. Now we are on the alert and super buckle conscious as she has done it in her rock n play and tried to do it on her changing table. She is also showing signs that she will be mobile soon. She turns around in circles on her tummy and is starting to make some miniscule skooting progress. I'm not sure I'm ready for that quite yet.

- I feel like a bad Christian sometimes. We haven't been going to church as often lately. Mostly because of exhausting business or Hannah Kate's sleep schedule, or Ryan serving in the service which leaves me on my own with the baby and I'd much rather do that in our own home and not interrupt her nap than have to stand in the back bouncing her and throwing off her nap schedule at church.

- I don't know who all reads my blog now. I don't have a Facebook anymore so you can't link to it from there, and I want to be careful with my words but this is a personal blog where I'm allowed to post my personal opinions, so here it goes: I'm a little disappointed in my church lately. I know no church is perfect and I have no intentions of leaving and I am excited about getting to know some specific people but I sure do feel pressured into serving and so does my husband. I believe that the members of a church should serve but I also believe there is a season for rest and with the change of a new baby I wish we would have been given more consideration. I have turned down petitions to serve, but Ryan is really starting to feel his service and may try to switch to something that doesn't pull him out of hearing the sermon. There are two services so people can serve during one and listen to the other but that's not practical for little ones.
And beyond that, I don't feel like we are being served as often as we are being asked to serve. And, again I don't think the church is here just to meet our needs, but I have felt a little more lost, left out, and forgotten than I think you should within a church family.

- God is really working on my heart and my family lately. This is good, but not necessarily easy.

- I love my little girl, and I will not allow myself to feel guilty for putting her needs before most everything else.

- I'm remembering (With difficulty some days) that God has never failed us in the past, has always answered our prayers, (though not always exactly how I want Him to) and has ALWAYS seen us through hard times. And He will continue to do so.

1 comment:

Mama B said...

I read your blog every day...please keep it up.

Love you, sweet girl!