Sunday, May 26, 2013

In Between Important Days

Today is a pretty neat day.

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday and tomorrow is my Mom's birthday!

They are celebrating with my oldest brother and from some pictures posted on Instagram, they are having a great time! I am so glad!

So today is the best day to talk a bit about my parents, this day that sort of connects their birthdays... it's kind of both of their day!

I've been thinking a lot about what a great job my parents did with the hefty task of raising six children! And this weekend they have both come up as wonderful examples!

Just today at lunch someone was telling us about how amazing it is to look at a child as young and new as Hannah-Kate and then one day see them go to college or get married etc, my sweet husband said he wasn't ready to think of his little girl getting married yet but that when she does get to that age he will have a good relationship with any boy who intends to pursue her.
When told that he has no control over that, both my husband and I were at the ready with how my daddy raised me and the kind of relationship Ryan had with him before and during my relationship and how involved my dad was in my whole dating life.

I was at the ready with how my daddy would take me on dates and teach me the value of waiting for the perfect husband that God had picked out for me, how from as young as 10 years old I heard my daddy pray for the man I would one day marry, how my daddy instilled in me my value as God's daughter, a princess to the King of Kings and how I should always be treated as such.
Ryan then proudly stated, "That's the model we will be using for our girls"
Thanks Daddy!

My life choice to not only be a stay at home mom but also and educator to my children has a lot to do with my incredible Mom.
The way she always knew what was best for how each of her individual children learn, how to have as many as six children and not consider us a unit, a gang, a herd, but as six uniquely individual people.
Her loving attention, encouragement and example have A LOT to do with why I knew at 10 years old that I wanted to be a Mommy just like her when I grew up.
And now, I am! And I'm still getting my "cheerleader" as I seek to prepare myself even this early in the game to follow in her footsteps and homeschool my children.

I have learned SO much from my parents and so of course I am BEYOND grateful for the days they were born.

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad! We love you SO much!

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Thank you so much, sweetie! What a wonderful birthday tribute.

We love you,
Mama and Daddy