Friday, December 21, 2012

So Much Joy...

Since we have been back in our home, I have enjoyed more sleep every night! Last night I think I slept for 10 hours!

I think Hannah Kate is going through a grown spurt, I'm suddenly getting tired spells again and she is stretching and kicking quite a lot! :)

I LOVE not having any clutter in my home! Thanks to all the premove donations and organizations, moving in and getting settled has been a breeze! And everything is so organized! I love it!

My sister helped me put together Hannah Kate's crib this week! And I put together her little book/toy hutch, and installed her carseat in the van!

I'm refraining from taking or posting any pictures of her room until it is complete! Her rocker should arrive by the end of next week, and her linens won't come into play until after our baby shower on the 10th of January, plus, I probably won't get her mattress until closer to my birthday. So the final reviewing of her room will probably be just a few weeks before she comes!

Speaking of... Ryan and I are getting so excited about our precious little girl! I had a great check up with our awesome nurse yesterday! Got the schedule for our birthing class next month and realized that we are only about 8 weeks away from meeting our little girl! 2 months!

There is a pack and play and a little bedside cradle in our master bedroom for her to be with us the first few months. She has her swing and bouncer all set up in her room, and we have another shower coming up!

We are so blessed!

My husband is working on his garage this weekend. He has really done a lot of cleaning and organizing. He is staining the floor this weekend and when it's done it will be so awesome! And we will have an amazing place to work out without leaving home!

I cannot believe Christmas is on Tuesday!

I'm really craving some cranberry juice right now.

I'm thinking my Dad and I need to go see The Hobbit next week.

My tummy is huge! Ryan thinks its funny. It is pretty funny when it's lopsided due to a little head poking out. :)

I am so very grateful for my life, full of so many blessings!

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