Thursday, December 6, 2012

Life To Music

Today I decided to do life with a soundtrack. I have been doing my everyday things, including grocery shopping with my ipod and a good playlist. I'm previewing the peaceful/encouraging playlist I created for labor. I've already decided to take a song or two off but I've noticed that for the most part it is very relaxing and has already calmed some of the everyday anxieties I've been feeling with everything going on.
Music is so powerful and I have always just loved it.
I play Christmas music while doing laundry, dishes, vacuuming and sewing projects, and having my soundtrack today has just reminded me of the peace that comes from knowing Christ. I just get so caught up in everyday life that I forget that my heavenly father has me taken care of.

These passed few days have been especially hard for me. I feel so isolated because not only has Ryan been working far away and late (which is a blessing for our finances) but also several of my family members are going through rough times and we lost our Uncle Jimmie.
My family always rallies together in hard times. Like when my Nonnie went to be with Jesus, there was so much precious family time and gathering around my mom.
It brings me to tears that I haven't been able to hug my Daddy in so long but especially in the midst of him losing his baby brother. I cannot imagine.
Knowing how my family proudly deals with hardship and not only not being a part of that but also being separated from my husband so much this week has just made it difficult to battle emotions.
But my God is big, and in charge. And I can't help but think that my family going through so much... job difficulties, layoff scares, insurance and financial problems, and now losing Uncle Jimmie... is in part spiritual warfare. Bad things happen as a result of sin in the world and are not always caused by Satan but I can't help but think that the love and strength and faith that pulses from my family as a whole, is a threat to the enemy. But he will be sorely disappointing when he remembers how strong we are and how our love and encouragement for each other is just magnified in difficult times.
I'm so proud of my family, and this week, being separated from them has been the hardest since moving here but I'm down to a single digit count down. 9 more days until we are back home for good.

And in the mean time, my soundtrack for life idea is keeping me going and reminding me of this verse that I'm taking as my shield and comfort this week:
"You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You."
- Isaiah 26:3

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Love, love, love. Come home!!!!!