Monday, December 10, 2012

30 Weeks!

Today marks 30 weeks of pregnancy! 10 weeks feels so long and yet so short all at the same time! It feels long when I think of how many days that is and how long we have to wait to meet our baby girl. But that same amount of time feels like nothing when I think of all that's to happen between now and then! Moving, Christmas, family time, setting up our home again, a baby shower, birthdays, and the BOOM! It's February!
We are very excited about Hannah Kate's arrival and are so looking forward to meeting her.

We are also T minus 5 days from our move! I have made a list of things to do to prepare and I'm hoping it'll last me all week.

You know those people who ask for help moving and you show up and they haven't even packed? Yeah I'm like the opposite of that. Ryan keeps looking for things around the apartment to find out that they are already packed up. I like to be prepared and I hate doing things last minute even if it is last minute items that need packed. Our kitchen has the bare essentials and hardly enough food for the rest of the week, our bathroom is being stripped of almost everything today and since we are down to our last week, I'm going to see what we can't live without for a few days! :)

This morning I am enjoying 40 degree weather in a warm outfit with the balcony door open and a cup of hot cider. NOW it feels like December! I hope this lasts for a while.

Yesterday Ryan and I went over to the Briar Forest house. That house is where Ryan grew up and it's been years since anyone has lived there. It has foundation problems that are down right scary. The doorways are crooked the floors lean to various sides and the cracks in the walls and ceilings are pretty monstrous.
But we have been blessed by this vacant house by being able to store things in the separate garage (that oddly enough has it's own slab without foundation issues) and by being able to glean from the house. Hannah Kate's dresser was a buffet table being stored in the garage, and yesterday we chose 3 very nice ceiling fans to remove from the house and bring home with us next weekend. One to go on our back porch! I'm very excited about that and so proud of my husband for being so resourceful!

Today I'm on a hunt for Trash bags, Duct Tape, and Butter.

And I'm considering going ahead and packing up the cable and internet equipment and shipping it off before Friday just to have it out of the way. I wonder how difficult life would be without TV and internet... maybe it's worth finding out how dependent I am on such entertainment. ;)
But not until I'v had our mail forwarded and chosen a new provider for internet back home.

That's all for now, Happy Monday!

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