Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Well, it's Tuesday! Thursday marks our first full week on this low carb, no wheat, low sugar diet and I've lost about 5 pounds already!

I feel better! I don't have nearly as many cravings, I don't think I'm hungry when I'm not, I can tell my metabolism is speeding up and I just FEEL healthier!

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fat vs sugar complex that most Americans have. Ryan and I have been reading and discussing and it is scientifically and historically proven that fat in your diet does NOT make you fat. Sugar DOES!
So lots of cakes and rich dessert like things... it's not the fat in it that's bad... it's the overly processed sugar!

It's crazy what we are learning! I'm enjoying bun-less hamburgers and cheese and real cream in my coffee and I've spent most of my life afraid of fat and calories and this is the fastest I have ever dropped weight AND FELT HEALTHY!

I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in healthy living and eating and how our bodies were created to eat.

We didn't start farming until way down the line in our history. Our bodies work best on the hunter/gatherer type of eating. Which is low carb, no processed food, very little wheat. It's what people ate way back when, like Adam and Eve in the garden.

And I'm learning about great alternatives to enjoy treats that are not only allowed but nutritious! Here's my favorite! It's Chocolate Cake made in 2 minutes that is a zero count on my diet and has protein and calcium etc...

1/4 cup Truvia Baking Blend
1/2 cup almond flour
3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 egg
2 tbsp half & half

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until the mixture is even and smooth (no lumps).

Pour 1/4 of the mixture into a mug and microwave for 2 minutes.

Refrigerate remaining batter for later! Or make all four mini cakes at once and freeze or refrigerate the others! I actually like it cold and dense.

Almond flour and coconut oil are two of my favorite new ingredients! I've like Truvia for a while but am discovering and enjoying the new baking blend for recipes like this. Truvia is an ALL NATURAL sugar substitute made from the Stevia plant so no cancer molecules here!

My hubby and sister have said they have noticed some slimming down, but I haven't. Not yet anyway. But my five pound drop sure is encouraging! So I'm gonna keep at it and see what I can achieve by my little brother's wedding! That will be my first cheat day!

Okay enough about my diet...

Hannah Kate is AH-mazing! She is rolling over, discovering all sorts of new sounds, she inadvertantly says "Mama" when she is upset, she is super happy, loves to laugh and snuggle and pretty much just love on people!

She outgrew ALL of her 0-3 month clothes so we have a whole new wardrobe of 3-6 month clothes and it includes some tutu skirts which are super cute and super fun so of course we have matching headbands!
I'm having so much fun with her new outfits and she is too! Our family is already coordinated for little brother's rehearsal dinner and wedding! (We still have to find the dress for Hannah Kate but we know what color so she matches Mommy and Daddy) I will be playing the role of Photographer but I will pass of the camera to some family so we make sure to get some nice family shots in as well.

I'm really looking forward to that weekend being with family and celebrating, but I'm super nervous about the photography. I have like no editing software which means the pictures I take need to be pretty perfect and it's been a long while since I was behind the camera for an important event and I've never tried to do it while taking care of a baby, so we will see how this goes.

We have Rock the Rock this week which is kind of like a VBS outreach that our church puts on in Round Rock. Ryan and I are leading an adult small group... well, mostly Ryan. I'm not sure what my role should look like in helping but I definitely don't want to appear to have any kind of authority or teaching over men. Plus there is no telling how Hannah Kate will do.

Okay, I need to get back to laundry and cleaning etc.

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

I want that book, Tuffy.

Tiffany said...

Its a good buy!

Sister Beta said...

Ok, bake the cake, don't microwave it and only bake it until it's just barely cooked. Pop it in the freezer and it is fudgy deliciousness!!!! kill me.

Kelly and Jonathan said...

Gimp is the FREE photo editing program that Jonathan uses.

Tiffany said...

OMG! Thanks Kelly! That will be so helpful!