Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Beginnings

Today Ryan and I are on a new eating plan. Not a diet, because I'm considering this to be more of a change in lifestyle and more for health than a quick way to lose some weight or bulk up(for Ryan.)

We bought the book that is currently on the Best Seller list called "The 100" By Jorge Cruise.

Basically we are removing all sugar and wheat products from our diet.
My favorite thing about this book/plan is that it's the only thing out there that I have found that focuses on insulin resistance. I happen to have this condition and it ties hand in hand with PCOS, another issue I have.
Insulin resistance is too much insulin in your body. Your body doesn't know how to break it all down the correct way so lots of it gets stored as fat cells and there is still excess insuline roaming around in the body which can cause all sorts of hormone imbalances, weight gain, and increase your risk of cancer as insulin is like an incubator for cancerous and precancerous cells. NOT GOOD!

So how do we fix the over amount of insulin? Stop making it! What makes it? Sugar and wheat! Basically, carbs!

So here we go! I get to have my coffee with half and half and Truvia and pretty much a variation of eggs every morning.
We are about to jump on one heck of a salad train for lunch and dinner.

Lots of healthy, fresh veggies, good meats and proteins like nuts and cheese, and no sugar! Which means pretty much not GMO processed foods!

I'm excited about this because I'm not only looking forward to losing weight but setting a great example for my daughter and hopefully curing my PCOS!

In other news: Hannah Kate is definitely on a 4 month regression in sleep and a growth spurt.
This means that her naps are about 30 or 45 mins, if we are lucky and she is waking up every 2 hours at night.
She didn't even do that as a newborn! (Don't Judge!)
I know we have been very blessed with our baby's sleep patterns but I try very hard not to compare, good or bad with anyone else's family or baby. God has a plan for each child and each family.
And this happens to be the least amount of sleep I have gotten with my precious and it is a huge adjustment and I am hoping/praying that it only lasts the few weeks my research says it should.

I am trusting Jesus for extended patience and energy during this time as I feel like I'm getting maybe 20-30 minutes of sleep every 2 hour block which doesn't add up to much and makes it hard to be motivated to keep up with the house and stick to a good schedule for Hannah Kate during the day.

I am still very blessed to have my sweet girl and love that she loves and needs me so much. I am counting my blessings even when I get frustrated. I think Jesus has a lot to do with that.


Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of that book, Tuffy. Maybe I should give it a try.

Tiffany said...

You should! There's a lot of great scientific and historical information to back up the plan. And unlike a lot of low carb diets it doesn't have a whole lot of unneeded fat. There is cheese and mayo for recipes etc but it's not a ridiculous amount, it's sensible and smart fat like in salmon, avocados etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to be doing similar diets together! :) It makes it a little easier..I stocked up on meat like cray-cray today! Sorry you are having sleep issues...hardest thing ever! Try to remember HALT, don't make decisions/reactions when you are Hungry Angry Tired or Lonely...keeping this checklist in mind has always been helpful to me. Life is just harder when any or all of those things are in play! I'm gonna go eat some nuts now... :)