Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mommy Life

Hannah Kate is about 9 days old today. Ryan and I are learning a lot! And I've already been challenged with big Mommy decisions and difficult nights.

The first being whether or not to introduce a passifier. I decided to go for it once I realized we have a pretty good breast feeding relationship and only at night as that seems to be when she needs the extra comfort.
The first night it seemed to work really well and then last night she seemed totally uninterested and just wanted mommy every 20 minutes. Every night is different and I'm hoping last night was a fluke and maybe Hannah Kate just doesn't like sushi milk. Lol

Today is Ryan's first day back at work and it also happens to be a school night so it's a long and lonely day and a rather large adjustment to having him home with me. I wish we could both be home more but that's not realistic.

My sweet girl is being extra clingy today which; snuggle time I love, however I've been trying to sleep while she sleeps and i can't do that when she needs to be held all day. I've gotten a few good minutes of sleep though.

We are working on teaching Hannah Kate the difference between night and day. She has them backwards but right now we are just focusing on what is typical for her age. We don't want to rush or for e anything that she isn't ready for just for our convenience.

I'm learning so much as a Mom. I knew it wouldn't be easy and I knew I would love it but it's still so surreal to look into my daughter's beautiful face and see features of myself and my husband and so much innocence and love.

She is the most precious thing!

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