Monday, October 24, 2011

Discovering the Little Things

I've been discovering things by happenstance lately. One of the biggest being how incredibly blessed I am to have my husband and just how much I love him. A weekend a part was just almost too much for me! 

Another thing I have discovered is just how much I have changed, and how happy I am about that! I am more confident, and fiery, willing to stand up for myself and stick to my beliefs, convictions and feelings. I have become more articulate in the ability to analyze myself better and explain it clearly to another person. And yes I may still struggle with anxiety and tend to be a more emotional person than others but I'm much better at realizing it and having more control over those weaknesses, and being able to rely more on God than myself and I believe myself to be wiser than I was a few years ago, which is not to say that I consider myself wise in general, just wiser and more responsible in comparison with my younger self. 
I'm not to person I used to be and I thank God for that!
There is a song by Reliant K (a Christian band) that states perfectly "who I am hates who I've been." what a beautiful phrase that reflects the work of God in the lives of people who have not always been who they are today.
Ryan and I get to share in this and it makes us very grateful to have a God who is merciful and whom I believe loves using His power of transformation in His children. I think it's really good for me to revisit every now and then the memories of who I used to be in order to remember what great things God has done for me and how much I've changed. It's sort of like a recharge, it gives me extra motivation to climb higher, and travel farther and farther away from my old self.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says "if anyone be in Christ, they are a new creation, the old has passed away behold the new has come!"
I think as time passes we tend to forget that we are new and Christ and even when a great and obvious change has taken place like in mine and Ryan's lives, we don't ever settle while we are here on earth! Ever onward! Pursuing to become more and more like Christ through His power, glorifying Him in all things and ministering to others.
I hope I am one of those Christians who is sensitive to the need of the moment and knows how to build up like what Ephesians talks about. Not everyone understands that the same way...
I am very grateful for my family. My family is my support group, my friends, my spiritual encouragement, my prayer warriors, and pretty much all that I need after Christ. I'm so grateful for a husband who is a strong spiritual leader and wonderful encouraged who daily learns better how to encourage and love me according to my needs. I'm so grateful for his family now my family. For a mother in law who prays diligently and keeps up with everything going on in our lives even though she lives in another state.
I'm grateful for parents who nurtured and cultivated such important and positive things in me, and who still know how to be awesome parents and spiritual encouragers to myself and my husband while still allowing us to be the leaders of our own little family. I'm thankful for brothers and sisters and parents who pray for each other and love on each other in ways that our world sees as uncommon. I'm thankful for the close bonds I have in all parts of my family units!
Life may not always look like how I want it to be, and some days it feels like the end of the world but when I can pull myself out of the difficulties that bring me down, I tend to see: I am blessed.

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