Sunday, August 22, 2010

Great Weekend and New Beginnings!

This weekend Ryan and I went to Houston to clear Ryan of traffic violations he did NOT commit. Turns out, when the court looked up the tickets issued with Ryan's driver's License number it had somebody Else's name on it! So, after 2 and a half irritating hours; everything was dismissed and all was good.
After that was taken care of we were lucky enough to catch Allison in Bob in Houston. We got to spend time with them, hang out with Jimmy and Melissa AND see Jon and Em! What a great weekend. Nothing beats time with family and the past several weekends for us have been blessed with different family events.

Today I meet with my site manager to discuss this week of school and I have to admit I'm a little anxious with the idea simply because the school is so small only two workers are currently needed which means it's just me and the site manager who is male, and I'm not sexist or anything but the majority of my work history has been either just me as a nanny or working with women. And especially now that I'm married the idea of working just myself and another guy just bothers me and it has nothing to do with the site manager and maybe I'm just a dork, I don't know...

Well, our slab should be poured today, and we are still hoping to close before Thanksgiving, I'm also REALLY hoping I can be transferred to the elementary school right down the road once we move.

The next few weeks/months involve a LOT of change for us. This week I go back to work which will change Ryan and I's home life Schedule a bit. We started attending a small group that we are hoping won't be a conflict with Ryan's classes which start next month on a twice weekly basis but the days are unknown to us at this point. We will get to go back to Sunday School now at church and really start getting plugged in there, this holiday season will be our first as a married couple and will be mixed with our move in. And I still really want to try to get my photography up and running. Everything in it's time.
We are VERY excited about all the upcoming events and are both REALLY looking forward to Fall weather and the holidays! I'm already thinking about Christmas presents so if you wanna send me ideas now so you forget before Christmas, I'm OK with that! =)

And mow I will wrap up with a random likes and dislikes list!

Things I Have Discovered That I LIKE:

~Spontaneous trips to Houston
~The Simply brand of orange juice with Mango (Yum!)
~Candles that fill our apartment with pleasant fragrances far better than any air freshener! (Thanks Allison!)
~That "It's almost fall/back to school feeling" even though I'm not a kid anymore. (It always puts a picture of our old house with all the windows open, a breeze blowing through the place with Enya blasting through out the house the smell of clean everywhere! =) Thanks for that Mom)
~Our new small group!
~Painting time with Mom and Beth talking about "stuff" ;)
~The idea of my other two brothers moving back to Austin with their families. (Not that the BOTH plan to at this point but I'd love to see it happen! and I like the pleasant thought/day dream)
~Our first Home!
~The sweet similarities between my beloved husband, and my precious Daddy and brothers. =)

Things I Have Discovered That I DON'T Like:

~Our stairwell at our apartment being worked on. (They drop things and it's scary!)
~Uncomfortable work situations
~The complicated aspects of Home buying (Just the stress of it.)
~Getting the oil changed (I just don't like car repair stuff, those places are icky. LOL but I am SO thankful for my car.)


1 comment:

She thinks too hard! said...

So glad you have fond memories of this time of year. I still mark time by school year events, too. Wonder when that goes away! We can talk about "stuff" anytime!