Thursday, August 26, 2010

Food, Fall, and Random Thoughts!

Wow, Okay I'm really getting into this blogging thing. Even though I have no idea who all my audience is, I have rediscovered the joy I've pretty much always had in writing!

Now let's talk about food! Today was grocery day and you know what I have been craving almost since I woke up today? CHEESE!!!
I miss cheese! Right now I just want fresh bakes bread, fresh Cheddar cheese and grapes and strawberries! Yum!
I have been thinking about lasagna, stuffed shells, mac and cheese, cottage cheese, Mom's famous breakfast tacos that's all held together with ooey gooey cheese!!!
And sometimes I buy singles to put on MY sandwiches and MY eggs in the morning but I wanted real sharp fresh cheddar cheese. I was at the store and I didn't buy any. I was in that section at the beginning of my trip and needed to make sure I got the necessities first, plus I forgot how much fat is in cheese and I'm still trying to drop that "Married 20" (You know, like the Freshman 15?)
BUT What I did by was that fresh baked bread I was talking about and fresh fruit. Ryan and I both LOVE Heb's warm baked french bread and we are both big fruit eaters. Another bread that is my favorite is the sandwich bread. It's one of the things I splurge on. It's Oroweat (sp) Oat Bread! It's soft but grainy and has a comforting sweet taste to it! Yum!
Also Driscoll strawberries are the BEST even their appearance is prettier. Bigger brighter! Yum. I also got white grapes and white peaches which is one of Ryan's favorites, and my favorite fruit.... Bananas! Mmmm... I just love fresh food.

OK so moving on.
When I went to the grocery store I was outside and thinking "Oh my gosh it's August in Texas and it feels like fall!!!" It's beautiful! Breezy, and yeah it's cloudy but not in a depressing way. It's almost soothing. Like God's reminding my that the seasons change and here's the start of something new!
Weather PLEASE don't go away! I LOVE this season, it's my favorite! And today's outside feeling goes so well with that feeling I described about back to school cleaning and Enya! Thank you Jesus for special moments like this. So refreshing.

Speaking of back to school, today will be my third day of work! We had a VERY rough first day as several things were not done that should have been done before the start of that day. Also my site manager is nice but SHE (That's right I transferred to a site where I am now working with a female! Woot!) has a lot going on for her right now and doesn't seem to have a lot of the extra time needed for the planning and scheduling that goes into having a successful structured day with 45 children.
But, that evening my Hubby brought my a Starbucks, sweetly asked me all about my first day, did the dishes for me, AND gave me a back massage! Talk about brownie points! He's amazing and I love him!
Yesterday went much more smoothly! We both showed up early and had pretty much everything in order before the kids got there so I'm hoping it just keeps going up from here and that the extra time I have can be used to working on curriculum and activities for my group. I have Kinder and 1st graders this year and some of my kinders are more like preschoolers so it gets a bit rough. I'm looking forward to getting to know them better though. I think I know almost all of their names, which, after only 2 days that's pretty good!

This morning was quiet, I think the workers are mostly done. I am so glad!
One thing that constantly makes Ryan and I more Thankful for our new home is that despite how many time our apartment gets sprayed, the critters are still here. It's Roley polies and centipedes. Our apartment is bottom floor in a rather wooded area and nothing is sealed very well... it's just a constant battle.
And be assured when doors and windows go up in our new house Ryan will be checking the weather stripping and sealant. LOL, but I don't remember ever having bugs like this in any of our homes growing up. So we are really looking forward to that.
I think we will stop by tonight or this weekend to see where they are. The slab should definitely be poured, I'm not sure about what's next but pictures will follow! =)

It's Thursday everybody! We are almost at the weekend! and a Monday Holiday is coming up! Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

Sister Beta said...

I was thinking the SAME THING about this weather! G and I are so pumped for cooler weather and already enjoying our patio.

Thanks again for helping me paint!!!!!