Monday, December 29, 2008

A New Year, A New Beginning

When I think of New Year's Day the first thing that pops into my head is New Year Resolutions. A list of petty goals that won't continue past the first few weeks. Goals, desires, things "To Do" that end up no more than a reminder of weak will and lack of discipline.
New Year's Resolutions are mostly a worldly thing. It doesn't have to be, but it's what we first think of. Writing things down, pinning it to the wall and forgetting about it. Why is it so often neglected or forgotten before half of the year is over?
Better question: Where is God in your resolution? If we write things down expecting to get them done or reach the goals in our own will by our own power of course we're going to fail.
And maybe the things on our lists need readjusting.
I'm guessing that at least 75% of Americans have "Lose weight" written on their list. I'm sure there are other things like "Make more money" or "Be more adventurous" Oprah has probably done a show that listed the most common resolution, (Not that it matters.)
My point is, that if God is no where in the building or foundations of this list, or behind the will or motivation, how can we expect to see it through?

This year, rather than come up with New Year's Resolutions, I've decided to write down some goals I want to pray over. I want to ask God to guide my steps this year and help bring good things to mind that would positively impact my life and bring glory to Him. I have a hard time believing God really cares about everyone losing X amount of pounds, having more fun, and making more money.
Maybe goals such as, being healthy and taking care of the temple I've been given, being more outgoing and stepping outside of my comfort zone that I may spread the gospel, and being more generous are more what we should be aiming for.

2008 is another year about to pass. Another year that God has shown me grace, compassion, and mercy. 2008 ... well, let's be honest, was NOT a great year for me.
Many good things have happened this year I will admit. Mostly events that took place. Justin and Kim got married, as did Jon and Emily. I couldn't be happier with my new sisters in law. I grew MUCH closer to my family than I feel I have been in years, I'm a much stronger Christian, this Christmas was probably the BEST I can remember, Bethany heard that her immigrations process is actually moving forward, and I am now in a really awesome, Christ-centered courtship with an incredible guy who loves Jesus and my family. My family really likes him too!
So, this year hasn't been all bad, but a lot of the good stuff happened towards the end. This has been a really long and trying year for me. God has shown me so much and opened my eyes and ears to more truth than I've been able to understand in a long time. It's been an adjustment, a lot to take in. I'm still a "Kidult" and have to replant my steps to really grasp things.
I'm ready to say goodbye to 2008. And I'm glad that a lot of the good things this year happened towards the end. What a wonderful way to welcome 2009!
I have new sisters, I am much stronger in my faith, on a good path, I'm close to my family, and on a journey with a new relationship, I love my work and feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

I can't wait for the new year! I want to start things right, and I want to see them all the way through with Christ as my guide, and my strength.

One thing I want to do is read the whole Bible this year. I'm going to look up a reading plan that works for me and ask God to help discipline me to read what I'm supposed to every day.
Another goal of mine is to be hyper aware of weaknesses and tendencies that I have, that I can recognize them quickly and adjust to be more like Christ.
I want to be a wise and judicious student both academically and spiritually.
I want to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, my family, and all other relationships, that I may better know Christ and imitate Him in all aspects of my life.

I know God has a reason and a purpose for everything. I think we can be outside of God's will at times but the Bible instructs us in Romans 5:28 that God works ALL things together for the good of those that love Him.
I have to believe that means that God even works in our mistakes and wanderings to the good in His ultimate plan.

I pray blessings over my friends and family that 2009 would be a great year for all. Full of love, hope, and faith. That God would shine through in every moment; trails and triumphs, good times and bad. My prayer for 2009 is that we would "Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and [let] all things be added" Matthew 6:33

Happy New Year!

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