Saturday, September 7, 2013


So, Life has continued to be pretty busy.

We have had a lot of firsts lately.

We had our first flight with Hannah-Kate, and she did great! Didn't like to sleep in Chicago but when we returned we discovered she was teething which brings us to another first; her first tooth!

Hannah-Kate is now a regular at the YMCA's Child watch and does GREAT while Mommy works out. This is a huge relief and good for us both!

We went to our first MOPS meeting too and she did pretty well there as well! That's where I saw this incredible video and was greatly encouraged. LOL
Mom Bohemian Rhapsody

Today we did some Autumn cleaning! I love this season! I know it's still a few weeks before we actually hit fall but it's close enough for me. This is my favorite season for fashion, colors, weather, holidays, etc. I just love fall! It's like a new beginning! And God knows it's always nice to have a fresh start to look forward when life is tough. And nothing starts a new beginning better than a clean home with marvelously fragrant candles burning!

I'm setting goals for myself and recruiting my husband to help me find the time to be able to accomplish them. I want to write more, read more, do things that are good for me mentally, physically, intellectually, spiritually etc. I think we made a good start in discussing it today.

We still haven't found a church but haven't been around much the past few weekends so we will try again tomorrow.

SLEEEEP!!!! Thank You Jesus!
After being up for several nights straight in Chicago, Ryan and I decided we needed a real plan of action to move forward in sleep training. We had talked about night weaning Hannah Kate now that she is on solids and continues to gain weight like a champ, but that never really lasted past the first couple of hours because Mommy was tired and nursing worked! Although it only worked for a short period of time.
So, with my Husband at my side we decided that while we are not fans of letting her "Cry It Out" until she falls asleep on her own, we did decide that we needed to give her more of a chance to self soothe by waiting just 10 or 15 minutes before going in to comfort her and try to help her back to sleep. This worked! Now I'm only getting up to feed her sometime between 4:30am and 6am, and just once! She does wake up a few times at night and I watch her on the monitor and time her fussing and she always goes back to sleep within her 10-15 minute time frame and this seems a lot more gentle to me than her crying for 30 minutes to an hour. This I can handle. And it seems to just be getting better every night! I'm thrilled! Eventually we will cut out the last feeding but it seems like she is already naturally pushing it to be her wake up feeding so we may not even have to.

I'm so excited about her sleep progress and how well she does giving Mommy breaks at the Y and at MOPS. Now that Ryan is back in school I can't imagine not having those little breaks.

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