Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life .... Fight Like A Girl!

So Hannah Kate had her 6 month appointment today and the pediatricians office staff has FINALLY started calling her Hannah-Kate instead of just Hannah! Woot!

She is mostly in the 50-75th percentile in everything except weight. She's 75-90th percentile there but still very proportionate and very healthy! Chunky in a good way!
She took her shots like a champ and promptly fell asleep on the way home just like Mommy planned! (I always ask for Tylenol before injections.) 

Her sleep is still erratic no matter how consistent we are and I'm learning to roll with the punches and work on things one step at a time.

Life lately feels a lot like fighting, or at least like working hard... all the time.

We are working on getting Ryan's business up and running and are in the in between phase where he works his full time job and take side jobs for his business fairly regularly... I'm not sure I remember what a real weekend looks like anymore. I feel like a single parent some days.

I have had so many needles stuck in me in the past ten days it's not even funny and I have another couple of blood tests on Friday before I can schedule another appointment with my Endocrinologist and finally get a real game plan in place to start working on my PCOS.

I have started fighting my Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome on my own by eating a low fat low GI diet and I joined the YMCA and have been going pretty much every week day since. 

I'm loving Body Pump and I'm already feeling better about myself in general. It's amazing what taking a stand can do for your general well being.

I'll admit, I have been fighting depression and a general defeatist attitude lately. I have felt weighed down and overwhelmed by a lot of things but particularly my health. And I felt like it wasn't really something to talk about because it has to do with ovaries...

Well forget that! If people can talk all about boobies in support of breast cancer then we can talk about ovaries in support of PCOS!
In fact, September is PCOS awareness month and the official color of PCOS Awareness is teal! (I'm gonna be wearing a lot of it now!)
I am fighting harder to lose weight than your average person. And losing weight and getting healthy is a fight to keep from getting diabetes, cancer, heart disease etc. I am 4 - 6 times more likely to have a heart attack than your average person, and 50% more likely to suffer miscarriages, and getting pregnant is a struggle as well. All of these things are a part of PCOS and insulin resistance and this information has beat me down enough! It's fighting time! I am meeting with doctors, getting tests done, working my @$$ off at the gym and completely changing my diet and eating like I'm already diabetic. (That's healthy!) I think Ryan and I may even take a family trip to Houston at the end of the month to take part in a PCOS Awareness 5K.
I'm not bearing this burden alone in secret anymore. My husband is a great support and there is a lot more support out there than I realized. PCOS effects 10% of Women in the US today.

The Motto on a ton of PCOS Awareness apparel is Fight Like a Girl! And that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Go Teal! ;)

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Go Baby, Go!! You know I am right there with you...cheering you on!