Monday, August 19, 2013

Half a Year; Hannah-Kate is 6 Months Old

Hannah-Kate turned 6 months old today! I can hardly believe it! I held a friend's new baby boy this week who was the same size as my little girl when she was born and it was so hard to believe that she was ever that tiny! Hannah-Kate is sitting up by herself for short periods of time, she is super good at rolling over both ways, she has figured out how to get on her hands and knees and sort of launch herself forward in a scooting movement, and looks about ready to crawl any time now.

She was a champ this weekend when Mommy and Daddy were both VERY sick. She nursed only when she really needed it (Not that she had much of a choice on the matter.) She was very pleasant and let Daddy put her to bed several times and even stuck it out with us at an urgent care facility so we could get back on track.
Of course the first night she only woke up once would be the night we were up puking in the bathroom, but I'm grateful none-the-less.

Today has been a recovery day. Lots of snuggles and baths and naps laying with Mommy instead of in the crib. I'm okay with that, I was only around her to nurse her yesterday as Daddy was the healthier of the two of us.

There are a lot of changes ahead for our little family and we are taking things one step at a time just trying to follow God through it all and be grateful for what we have.

Today I am so incredible grateful for my sweet baby girl!


Bethany said...

Happy Halfers Cakey-poo!!! We love you, love you, love you!! Lots of changes on this end too...God is good to show us the way, even if it's one dimly lit step at a time. :)

Bethany said...

Happy Halfers Cakey-poo!!! We love you, love you, love you!! Lots of changes on this end too...God is good to show us the way, even if it's one dimly lit step at a time. :)