Tuesday, April 23, 2013

9 Weeks

Today my Precious is 9 weeks old. She had her 2 month check up on Friday and weighs 11 pounds 1 ounce and is currently 22 1/2 inches long.
She has found her fist and likes to suck/chew on it, she has very strong muscles and has been holding her head up pretty much since birth but is getting better and better and now she likes to stand in my lap. She is starting to try to roll over and we are really going to try to be better at getting her plenty of "Tummy Time" (Mommy forgets about these things.)

We introduced her play mat and she likes it for short periods of time. She loves watching fans and lights.
Biggest accomplishment of the week is happening right now! She is taking a nap in her CRIB! :)
She is a great night time sleeper but has been going through a long phase where she only sleeps in the car or in someone's arms. It's been about 30 minutes of being in the crib, happily staring at the fan and the camera etc, no crying, but she finally went to sleep. (She was asleep in my arms until I put her down)

Things like this are teaching my patience. I am learning so much as a new Mommy and as a new Wife that happens to also be a Mommy, it's different than being a wife who is not a mommy.

Ryan and I are enjoying watching The Bible series. We don't have the channel to watch it on TV but someone so graciously bought us the DVD collection and it has sparked some great conversation and so far we think it's pretty well done, all though I struggle with the accuracy of the violence.

I think I'm going to try to move Hannah Kate out of our room tonight. For some reason, this mile stone is the hardest for me. She slept for 8 hours straight last night and yet I want to keep her right next to my bed. I think it's partially about laziness, (It's so convenient to just pick her up, feed her, and put her back down without leaving my bed) but the other part is anxiety. I like being able to peek at her sleeping, watching her chest rise and fall and enjoy the comfort of knowing she is breathing and sleeping peacefully.
We have a video monitor but it's not that detailed to be able to watch her breathe, which, really, is a paranoia I probably just need to get over.
Ryan pointed out that the longer we wait, the harder it will be for both Hannah Kate and myself. So tonight is the night! At least, the night we try!

I have been convicted about a number of things lately.
1.) is how much I trust God... or don't
2.) is how much I'm allowing or including God in my life (ouch!)
3.) is how much I judge or feel anger towards people over "Charity Beliefs"

The last one is the hardest for me to change. "Charity Beliefs" are the opposite of "Core Beliefs." The important ones. Like, Jesus IS the son of God, He died for our sins, etc.
Charity beliefs are anything that doesn't make a difference in one's Salvation.
Like chosen vs free, weather or not Adam and Eve had bellybuttons, etc.

I have one or two VERY strong convictions about what God intended for His people and they happen to be some of the most controversial subjects in today's society.
My emotions fuel my beliefs and as an emotional person it's hard for me to stop feeling a certain way even when I'm feeling convicted about it... God is working on my heart, and I am doing my best not to clench my fists while He does it.

I need to pray more. I should read my Bible more too but praying is more practical when I seem to always have a Baby in my arms.
Maybe I should get the Bible on CD or something so I can have it read to me... does that make me a cop out?

I love it when my husband or I can coax a big smile out of our daughter. Ryan is LOVING all of the development Hannah Kate is doing and going to do over the next few weeks. I can't believe how much she has already grown and changed.
I love her so much! I can't imagine doing or being anything else!

I was told the other day the statistics show that being a Stay At Home Mom is as stressful as having two full time jobs.

Well, let me tell you, it is like having two full time jobs! We are Wife We are Mom, We are Maid, and Cook! And I am PROUD to be a full time Mommy, I can't imagine leaving my Baby, I'm not even sure what to do now that I'm done blogging and my Baby is asleep... NOT in my arms!

I should probably do the dishes, clean the kitchen, run some laundry etc... But I can do all those things wearing my little one in the amazing Ergo! So instead... I think I'll take a Bubble Bath!
Thanks God, for the little things in life!

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