Monday, March 18, 2013

The Sleeping Roller Coaster

We are so blessed to have a generally peaceful, content, snuggly baby. And blessed that she sleeps a lot as well. I just wish we could get more of a pattern going on.

We will get several nights in a row where she is mostly sleeping at 3 hour intervals and then we fall off the wagon and have nights where it's near impossible just to get her down for an hour or so.
This is wearing on me.
I've been trying to sleep while she is napping during the day but other things nag my brain. Like the mess we made doing bath time this morning because she was hungry right then, the diapers that need put together on my bed, the laundry that needs moved, the dishes that need done, and my grumbly tummy that reminds me I haven't eaten recently which is followed by the need to track my eating on Weight

This morning I took a nap in a bed full of clean laundry, half dressed, damp from milk and spit up; because let's face it, I'd rather be in a good mood when Ryan comes home and explain why things didn't get done, than have a perfectly clean home and be so exhausted that I have no energy or patience for him or the baby the rest of the night.

We are getting one heck of an awesome video monitor tomorrow (Or so the tracking says)
It's all digital so I won't have the same image skipping or audio static issues I hard with our old cheap monitor. The screen is about the size of a smart phone and can move the camera remotely. It's also portable with a clip so I can wear it around the house. It even has a talk button to speak into Hannah Kate's room from another part of the house.

I'm really looking forward to this because, last night, one of my biggest issues with getting sleep was that I kept thinking Hannah Kate was up and about to cry for food because of her constant sleep grunting and other loud noises she makes while she is fast asleep.
Ryan sleeps through these cute little noises. I do not.

And once we have a reliable monitor set up in her room and get back to the 3 hour sleeping blocks, we are going to transition her to her own room. I've already started putting her down for naps in her own crib and I think she is more comfortable there than in the pack and play. (The mattress certainly is softer, thicker, and much more expensive!) And the rocker in her room is so much quieter, smoother, and comfortable in her room than the one in our room.

It makes me anxious to think of her on the other side of the house, alone, in the dark... but at the same time, if we both get better sleep, and I have the technology to keep an eye on her, it really is better for all of us.

Plus, once I am feeling more rested, or at least adjusted to less sleep, I'm going to take the monitor out to the garage so I can get on the treadmill and slowly work my way into a healthy exercise routine.

I still haven't completed my Easter outfit and I'm not as pleased with it as I'd like to be but I'm facing reality by realizing that no outfit I wear will magically make my body look like it did a year ago. So I'm just going to focus on being healthy for my little girl and find clothes that are as flattering as possible for right now and slowly work my way back to my smaller body.

Hannah Kate has officially outgrown all of her newborn sized sleep clothes. When she stretches her feet straight they pull at her neck, and the snap up ones don't snap between her legs anymore.
We have a few 0-3 sized things but I'll be looking for more snap up sleep and play outfits tomorrow.

Hannah Kate will be 4 weeks old tomorrow, and we will be 2 weeks away from the big 6 weeks mark. Her first church experience will be Easter Sunday!
Ryan and I are SO ready to get back to church and small group. I really need to make some young mommy friends. Ryan is back in the swing of school and is in the process of getting his license and insurance to work residential AC outside of Johnson Controls which means he will be even more busy for a while and in my mind that means being alone for far longer than I can handle, (especially with a newborn.)
Making friends as an adult is difficult and awkward for me.
I don't remember ever having to make friends as a kid, they just kind of.. happened.

I'm looking forward to Easter. It's been a while since the whole family was together and Hannah Kate has never experienced anything like a Big Lunch so it should be fun, and interesting!

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