Friday, March 15, 2013

Expectations Vs Goals

I've learned that the long nine months of pregnancy cultivates all sorts of expectations both realized and unrealized of what life with a baby will be like. Expectations of myself, my husband, even my newborn baby! Expectations of circumstances other people who are a part of our lives, everything!
Without really trying I got a very specific idea of how things would work once Hannah Kate arrived.

I've discussed this a bit with my sister and we talked about having some low key realistic goals IN PLACE OF those crazy perfectionist type of expectations.

Here's an example.

Cloth Diapers! I expected that we would transition into cloth diapering once Hannah Kate lost her belly button stump and that would be the end of "Sposies"

After two days of cloth diapers I've had to pull back and set a new goal in place of this expectation. We are NOT giving up on cloth diapers but we have run into a few issues.
1.) Only 2 of our 25 diapers have adjustable elastic around the legs and this is a leaking issue.
2.) The diapers are so big and fluffy on my baby she doesn't like to sleep flat in them. (In the pack and play, in her crib etc.) This is a big issue at night time. Her little bum is elevated too much for her to be comfortable even with extra padding under her back and head to even things out.

So! I will be headed back to Target for more diapers and for now we will try a hybrid, trying to cloth diaper during the day and just keep an eye out for leaks, and allow baby to be comfy at night in disposable diapers until she fills out a bit more, which at the rate she is growing won't be too long from now.
Sleep for baby and mommy is more important than what kind of diaper she is wearing.

I'm also getting back into the swing of things around the house.
Today I am cleaning and preparing for my Mother in law to visit. She gets in this evening.
I'm doing laundry, vacuuming, tidying up etc.

Another expectation was that I'd be able to keep up with my home a little better.
A new realization is that instead of once or twice a week, I will now be doing laundry every day for who knows how long! I'm ok with this.

I'm excited to have my house clean and errands done to be able to enjoy the weekend with my baby, husband, and Mom in law.

I'm doing pretty well with turning expectations into more realistic goals. Every family is different and I accept that I need to do what's right for my family and that wont necessarily look like what other people do and thats just fine with me! I am devoted to the needs of my precious little girl, not what other people think I should do.


Sister Beta said...

Good job! For the record, we cloth during the day and 'sposie at night. We had some different newborn options than y'all when M was little and cloth'd 'round the clock for quite a while, but somehow ended up doing what we're works and still saves tons of money! I buy a $25 pack of overnight diapers every 2-3 months or so. The laundry gets better once she slows down in her growth and has more clothes in a bigger size range, you will get to every other day soon. :)

Mama B said...

Good job, sweetie. Mommies can sure be hard on themselves. You are doing great!