Thursday, February 20, 2014

One Year

I have not been able to stop thinking about all the many things that have happened in our lives as a little family this past year.

Yesterday was Hannah Kate's 1st Birthday! Saturday is her party and I'll post another blog after that but before all the hoopla and celebrations, I've had some quiet moments to play a memory wheel in my head.

I was talking with Ryan about it just last night. About the day HK was born. And yesterday I kept looking at the clock and thinking back to where I was at that specific moment. Even now I still know I was in the hospital trying to settle down for the night... and I can't help but feeling the world is not right; that I get to look back at these precious memories in light of my family's recent loss.

God is so good to love on my family the way he has. And to be so present in Joe and Sara as they rejoice in my sister's pregnancy and Hannah Kate's first birthday. I love my family so much! And am always reminded why and how much I love them when we have to come together because of something terrible.
I see God in so many ways in the lives of my family and those around us. And I am blessed.

Hannah Kate is developing like crazy! She can walk now though she tends to choose to fall towards her target or crawl more than walk.
She LOVES the park and to swing and be outside. And much to Mommy's dismay, her favorite way to explore the world is to taste it! Sand, grass, leaves, dirt, whatever she can get a hold of goes in her mouth!

She is talking a lot more. She says "Mama" "Dada" "Bye-Bye" "Ba" (Bath) Makes lamb/goat noises and proclaims "Ta-da!" as well as imitates most sounds she hears.

Her hair is growing long and thick and curly! It's beautiful and she is getting better and better at sitting through her daily hair-do! :)

She has become VERY affectionate lately and I am just soaking it all up! She loves to give hugs and kisses and pats. She picked up on us patting her back to get her to sleep and to comfort her when she cries and when she is comforted enough she pats my back and giggles. She pats the dogs as she has noticed Ryan and I doing that but she hasn't quite made the connection that people don't like to be patted in the face. Even if you just can't reach their head or back!

I love my sweet baby girl, and cannot believe it has been a year since she was born. Time really does go by so fast! I'm trying to take it all in and not miss anything and I hope keeping up with this blog more frequently will help me do that.

Here's To Hannah Kathryn Anders! Now one year old!


Trina said...

She is so beautiful, and so is your little family. I can see this last year was amazing and I pray the next will only surpass all the joy you think you can imagine. Time surely does go by fast and it only seems to get faster. May your memories be firmly planted in your heart and may the smiles be forever on your faces.

Sassafrass said...

Love that little girl and so glad she's a part of our family!