Thursday, September 22, 2011

What a Whirl Wind!

Well, Ryan and I met with Starry yesterday afternoon and in my opinion it went exceedingly well! We were told that as far as our extensive application and first meeting went, there was no indication that we should have any trouble being placed.
We were given a check list and a new packet of paperwork to take home and work on. Our check list is more than half way finished!
over the next few weeks we will be going to classes/training, getting our home health and fire ready and inspected, going over policies and procedures to sign and a whole lot of important little things. We were told that the length of our applications process is really up to us in the sense that, it is dependent on when we can get everything done. From there we will have two home visits and the paperwork from those has a 6 week time limit so we COULD have children at Christmas!
We will see, it's got a lot to do with when they receive children as well, but I'm still excited! I've gotten a lot done today and Ryan and I may get to check off TB tests and CPR and First Aid training tonight!

God is good! There are so many unknowns in life right now and yet I feel blessed with a sense of peace and confidence in God's mighty plans.

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