Friday, September 23, 2011

A Comfortable Room for Kids

While trying not to allow myself to get to far ahead emotionally with our Foster Care process I do want to be prepared so I have decided how I want to outfit our extra bedroom in preparation to receiving children.
I went with something gender neutral and something I can use to help further little one's education.
This is the bed we want (It allows us to keep our current full size mattress.)

The bed is from Walmart and can be seperated into two beds if desired. Lots of use can come from it.
This is the bedding I've chosen from Ikea!

And of course I'll be bringing in color with the window treatments and sheet sets for the bed and accessories around the room. I found a twin sheet set that is bright orange at Walmart and bought it because it was on super clearance! I may do the bottom bunk in lime green or something.
Here are some pillows with colors I'd use and I would just buy some inexpensive fabric and make them myself!

And then some decor for the walls I think would be fun are this poster print and mirror, both from ikea and both sporting some fun and happy lime green colors! :)

So this is just a little of what I have in mind. I want to bring in some red and sky blue as well and get enough variety in color that any gender would be comfortable in the room. And I'm all about the bright colors because I think they help provide a "Happy Feel" to the space which would be so important to foster children!

I'm getting very excited about our process. My background check came through with a copy of my FBI finger prints from a previous position in child care so I don't have to get my finger prints done again which is great.
I finished the online Foster Medical training yesterday, we have an 8hr behavioral training tomorrow morning, and another training a week from Monday as well as CPR/First aid scheduled for this Thursday!
We are on a roll snowballing all of the things we need to get done to be placed.
We finish up our TB tests and get the paperwork tomorrow as well so we could easily be done with everything required of us by mid October, leaving only the home visits before we get placed.
So our plan to foster children for Christmas may work out after all! =)

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