Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Potty Training Days 2 and 3 (and other stuff)

I'm pretty sure Potty Training is THE hardest thing I've had to tackle as far as parenting goes.
This has been a very emotional (possibly hormonal) 3 days.

Yesterday felt like a bust, I felt like a complete failure as a Mommy and really just wanted to give up. Hannah Kate had more accidents than victories and stopped communicating about her need to go. I got frustrated and impatient with the regression as day 1 seemed to go so well and unfortunately I failed at hiding that frustration and my poor girl got stressed out and emotional. (I cried about pressuring her and worried about damaging her emotionally.)

This morning I began with prayers of patience and endurance but most of all a light hearted, care free attitude to focus only on the positive achievements of the day and not to be upset by the set backs.

Last night Ryan and I had discussed what might have caused the set backs and it seems it was the underwear that either delayed or completely did away with HK's communication. She seemed very confused and stressed out by it. Especially when accidents happened. It was also worsening a rash we are trying to get rid of so I decided to let her go naked again this morning and she did great.
In the first few hours she had one or two accidents and 6 or 7 victories! But it wasn't long before I noticed some symptoms that made me feel like Hannah Kate might be sick and need to see a Doctor. I waited until nap time and as that drew nearer she seemed to go down hill. Clingy and fussy and very congested, rubbing her face and eyes and falling asleep nearly instantly.

While she was asleep I made an appointment with her pediatrician and packed a diaper bag full of training pants and waterproof covers and also moved one of our potties to the van.

My poor girl has two nasty ear infections and possibly pink eye in both eyes. Two antibiotics later and several stops and tries on the potty and wet undies later; we were back home and at it again. She is doing pretty well and the pediatrician recommended we stick with being naked at home if not just to clear up her poor rash.

Tomorrow I have my mid pregnancy sonogram scan and I WAS going to let HK play at the YMCA and now I'm forced to make a last minute decision about whether or not to leave her based on what her eyes look like in the morning. Its possible it's all just the ear infections, but what if she did/does have pink eye?
AND what do you do with a very active, potty training 18 month old during what could be a long wait and long appointment at an OB office?

oh that we had a trusted sitter who would be willing to come to my house and patiently work with HK on potty training while being aware of her discomfort of ear infections while I go take care of her little brother at my appointment.

We are working on finding a good sitter like that. In the mean time I'm trying to come up with several game plans for the morning.

In other news! ....

I have yet to get sick again and feel like the odd chance of this mysterious illness running it's course and leaving me alone might have actually happened!

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