Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hannah Kate Update

My goodness how time flies and Mommy gets busy! It's hard to keep up with a blog these days!
Hannah-Kate is growing like a weed! She  isn't crawling on hands and knees but gets around super fast and efficient by scooting like an inch worm. She can pull herself up with a bit of help and is trying all sorts of new foods! Like; pickles, spaghetti, and ice cream!

We went to a pumpkin patch and farm with some family last weekend and had a blast!

We have been super busy this week getting our house ready for the market! That's right, we are moving, again!

This time we are moving closer to family! We are having a home built in Georgetown just minutes from one of my brothers, my sister, and my mom and far away from toll roads (And high gas expenses! Ha!)
We met with our lender on Tuesday and are excited to be able to use a conventional load and forgo monthly Mortgage Insurance by paying an up front fee at closing.
This means that our mortgage in the new, bigger house will be the same as our current mortgage but we will be saving lots of money on gas and by not using toll roads. So we will get a higher quality of living for less money!

We are so excited and so far it feels like God's hand is on this venture so we are praying for His favor in selling our house.

One thing I'm really enjoying is how our home currently feels and smells! It's VERY neat and will be deep cleaned by the end of today and Ryan and I have decided that this is our new standard of living. Except for the lack of photos we plan on living like our home is staged to sell even in the new house! Simple, neat, tidy and clean!

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