Monday, October 28, 2013

8 Months!

OK so nearly 10 days late I'm finally finding some time to sit down and write an8 month post about my sweet Hannah Kate. :)

This last month has been quite the developmental milestone!

HK now says Mama and Dada and I'm pretty sure she is making the connection of what/who that means.

She crawls! Not scooting on her tummy anymore, I'm talking real hands and knees crawling and boy does she get around. I now know I cannot take my eyes off of her for a second anymore.
I laid her on her tummy in the living room with several toys and ran to put something away in the guest room and came back to find her in the kitchen with dog food in her hands and mouth!
She is super fast and mobile now and it seemed to happen over night. So I've instructed Ryan and Mima etc that she is an opportunist and to watch her very carefully now.

She can pull herself into a standing position on certain peices of furniture or a person (Oh gosh please don't start walking yet I'm just getting used to the super crawl!) 

She still LOVES to jump/bounce and is really enjoying our new home made ball pit!

It's a children's air mattress "shield" you put the air mattress inside what's basically a blow up pool and it gives the bed enough wall so a toddler can't roll off. But we don't put the little mattress in it. Instead we filled it up with balls and turned it into a ball pit!

It's lots of fun. Cousin Allie and Mima visited over the weekend and the girls had a blast. Makafui is coming over later today to enjoy it as well and I'm sure it will be fun for all the kids in our big family for a long time.

As you can see in the pictures, Hannah Kate's hair continues to grow long and curly and EVERYONE stops to tell us about it.

We have seen a lot of Pops in her lately. Both in physical features and in her extremely comfortable socialization. She talks to anyone who will listen and smiles and waves at everyone and tends to put a smile on the faces of ANYONE she meets in passing. :) (Great features to pass on Pops!)

We sure do love our little girl and can't believe it's almost Holiday time with her! She is going to experience so much over the next few months!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful families in our lives and hers.

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